Fuel consumption for Toyota Sprinter Marino • Marking features 4a ge

Recently, foreign cars have fallen in price so much that they can compete even with used models from AvtoVAZ. One of these is the Toyota Sprinter Marino. This machine was mass-produced from 1992 to 1998. It is especially popular beyond the Urals. Now Toyota Sprinter Marino is sold at prices ranging from 90 to 170 thousand rubles. The car has not yet lost its shape and is capable of competing with modern state employees. What is a Toyota Sprinter Marino? Photos and review of the car are further in our article.

Where is the mass of the Toyota Sprinter Marino

For those interested, my friend had a desire to find out where the mass of the Toyota Sprinter Marino is located in the car. I immediately found it, in this video you can clearly see where the mass of the Toyota Sprinter Marino is located.


Hello, I came across your video because I’ve been looking for the reason for the second day now and asking everyone, but no one can really help me, the situation is this car ZAZ 1102 Tavria, 2002 carburetor. The problem is that the carburetor makes very loud popping noises both at idle and while driving, it jerks so hard that it’s impossible to drive at all; it’s pulled to the house by a cable. During the investigation, it turned out that the popping noises disappear when the wire is removed from cylinder 4, but as soon as the wire is returned, the speed drops and the popping noises continue. The distributor cover was removed, the contacts were cleaned, the spark plug and wire in cylinder 4 were replaced, and the same thing was connected. How it all started, before all this, they replaced the liner rings for me, and installed another cylinder head because the old one had a crack. Before installing another cylinder head, it was ground, the valve seals were replaced, the camshaft seal and the valves were ground in. The intake and exhaust manifolds were also replaced. After the repair, the car started up but the vacuum brake booster stopped working, adjusted the ignition, set the idle speed and drove for 2 days, drove 50 km, on the third day it started up, started to twitch, stopped responding to the gas pedal and started popping, after which it stalled, start only with gas all the way and shoots very hard into the carburetor, help!! In addition to replacing the spark plugs and wires, the timing marks were set and the ignition does not help anything! The hall sensor is working, I checked it with the emergency ignition, the switch is also working, they took it from another car... what could it be?

Karpa Mlyayaya I still have hoses from the gas pump there Tolchanova Marya

But the oil is still dark, when pure oil it is colorless on the dipstick, the color is visible only at the tip of the dipstick (pink) and this is complete garbage


Tell me how the backlight is adjusted on a Toyota Ipsum 1998. If you have the opportunity, post a video, I will see a new video because I have subscribed to your channel.

Thanks for the video and explanation! I’ll look for the loss to see how it can be removed on a Toyota Camry. At a friend's garage today I caught them trying to pull it out with its giblets (they were happy like, 'We pulled it out, but the contacts remained, so we left them.' - I stopped them in time, sensing something was wrong) it turns out that the dog is buried somewhere, I should be glad) The only thing now I need to find out how this block is removed on a 2004 Camry xs30)

Chernik Pikhterev

Thank you! It worked! I wound the hook by hand from the bottom. And you need to get ready, it worked the 5th time;-)

Peter Good day, please tell me the source of this work by Godelashvili Odin

Most likely the gear is not cocked, or the spring has burst, but in general, a smile with such a motor and on an automatic machine is still nauseating.

Reviews of Toyota Sprinter 1991 sedan Marino/Toyota

Toyota Sprinter (1988, Sedan)

Automatic transmission 1600 cm³ Left 6000 km 134200 km 1994 - 2008 Russia Tver region.

me 03/16/2008:

“Well, perhaps, I’ll start with the fact that my parents bought a car in 1994. We then lived in the Far East, Solnechny, and bought it with funds received from the sale of an apartment, a dacha, and a garage (which we never used).:) We bought it in Vladivostok. We visited a lot of auto markets, but couldn’t find anything suitable; there was only one market left where we had not been yet. There were several cars I liked, or rather 3 – a Toyota minibus (I don’t remember which model), a white Toyota Corolla, and my original cherry Toyota Sprinter. We took the Sprinter because it turned out to be the golden mean. The minibus is cheap and clunky, the corolla is beautiful but expensive. I’ll say right away that there were almost no roads in the Far East at that time, or there was something similar. And as soon as we bought it, we immediately drove under our own power to the other end of our country (to the Tver region), I’ll tell you right away there were four of us, me, 8 years old, father, mother, and a big shepherd dog. Before we had time to drive away from the city, we “caught” a hole, and our cap fell off, which overtook us, and I saw it, and I thought that the wheel had fallen off, and I screamed as if I had not been cut (I was very scared), but they calmed me down. We looked for the cap for a long time in the ditch, and of course we didn’t find it, I think this is familiar to many. We crossed the Amur region on a railway platform. We have already crossed Siberia on our own, completely off-road, because all that remains in my memory are country roads where we met deer. There were quite a few rivers along the way; we crossed them on ferries, but I especially remember one. The river is not wide, but the banks are flat, the ferry is also not small, and it did not reach the shore, about 7 meters, and this section of the water barrier had to be crossed. We boarded the ferry safely. Moving out was a problem, it was a bit deep, the Russian auto industry overcame the barrier without problems, there were only isolated cases, but foreign cars “drowned” through the races, well, of course we “drowned”, I was scared again, water entered the cabin very quickly. But we were pulled out safely, and then the capriciousness of the Japanese mechanisms manifested itself; it would not start, although other cars started up after the drowning, after about 30 minutes. manipulations with the engine. We spent about 2 hours. It started up, but stalled every 100 meters (exaggerating). We drove quite a bit so that she could get into a normal rhythm of work. Closer to Krasnoyarsk, we decided to visit our relatives. The path to the village lay through a river along which a ferry sailed, or rather a pitiful semblance of it, it looked more like a children's raft. And we swam on it, THESE 50 meters. We left half of our nerves on this ferry. Having driven ashore, the fuel tank light came on, it became alarming, but nevertheless, with the light on, we reached the village, but it was not close (about 45 km), moreover, we were driving along a country road, after the rain. We drove further without any problems, except for our conflicts with the dog, because of which the window was broken, the window regulator stopped working, I don’t remember how it was fixed. We arrived in the Tver region to visit our relatives. After getting used to the new area a little. Parents went into trading. We drove to Moscow for goods every week for 1 year. There were no whims from the car, everything was perfect. In addition to this warning bell when you exceed 100 mph. From 1996 to 2000, normal life began, the car was used only as needed. 1997 the car was in an accident, went off the road into a ditch (in winter), the rear right fender was dented, the front and rear right headlights were broken, the front bumper was broken. The headlights cost about 7,000 rubles, the bumper is still broken, the wing was made poorly, it is a different color and the paint is peeling off, not surprising for 2,500 rubles. then (in 2006). Closer to 2000, small problems began. Replacing the timing belt with a belt from the brand, they were similar. Problems with the suspension, the shock absorbers were leaking, my father tried to repair it; in the front ones, they are collapsible, I poured oil, in the rear ones, they are not collapsible, I drilled a hole, cut a thread in it, poured oil through it, and cutting off most of the threads from the bolt, leaving a little at the head itself, screwed it into the hole. The rear springs have become soft. They were replaced with springs from a Zhiguli car, shortened accordingly by a couple of turns, and drains were welded onto the cup, corners were welded on so that the spring would sit properly. In 2001, the engine's rings finally wore out and oil began to flow into the air filter. The oil was leaking and a small puddle was forming where it stood. Since the front springs had also exhausted their resource by this time, the front sank outrageously low, so they punched the machine gun, in the sense of breaking off a piece of it, measuring 10 by 4 cm. After that, it stood up for a long 4 years. Then a master was found (2005 d), who took it up. Instead of this piece, I made a fairly strong patch from cold welding, it still holds, although there was a problem, the welding did not want to stick to the metal at first. The solution was simple. I cleaned the edges of the break well, smeared it with “moment” glue, and then the welding went well, both on the inside and on the outside of the machine’s wall. Since the old gasket was no longer suitable (after the impact it was torn by a broken piece), it was replaced with a gasket cut from a rubber mat. Then, of course, we ordered our own, which cost 120 rubles. This master undertook to change the front suspension as well. After examining her, he said that nine would be suitable here. Of course, we were happy, since Russian suspension is cheap, and we gave him the car. When we saw his creation, to be honest, we were horrified, the muzzle was raised so high! The car began to look like some kind of SUV, it was comparable to a Niva, just as tall, plus a Russian-Japanese suspension at the rear. Then she had to attach wings and she would have taken off without difficulty. The rear suspension did not come off for a long time, and we ordered rear struts, albeit without springs, (3200 each) a year after installing the front ones, since there was another master who said that springs from Mazda are ideal here, although you just need to cut off a couple turns. We believed him. He did, but she was so hard that she constantly hit the body. The truth got used to it later and became softer. We left for another year, the engine died. This is 2007. I decided to take the car from my parents. And he started saving for repairs. I found a good mechanic and gave him the car. I ordered the necessary spare parts, they took 2 weeks, and he made it for me for two weeks. That is, roughly, within a month the engine of the car was rebuilt (boring, replacement of pistons, rings), the resonator and muffler were replaced. Everything is original except the muffler. I wanted a good sound, and bought an Odava muffler with an 80 mm outlet pipe. (I like the sound, clean, muffled, not like they put forward flow on nines, tens, etc., not a sound, but just a growl, as if there is no exhaust system at all, in short, it’s just to scare people). The work cost about 24,000 rubles. After the repair, I immediately took out a loan, bought wheels and a radio (for all 21,500 rubles). I replaced the R13 wheels with R14 18560. I started saving for the suspension. In February 2008 I ordered suspension: front shock absorbers, front springs, boots, bump stops, rear drains, rear springs, boots, bump stops, rear brake pads, rear brake pipe 1 pc. (for all 22900 RUR). I paid 2500 rubles to replace all this. By the way it's cheap. As a result, it turned out that the ball joints, steering ends, upper front cups and support bearings needed to be changed, since those Kulibins had completely screwed up there. Yes, by the way, antifreeze is still leaking, the thermostat cover needs to be replaced. The lid, ball and ends cost 4,700 rubles. Replacing the tips and ball will cost approximately 1000 rubles. Previously there were horn mirrors, convenient, but not beautiful. I removed them and put Zhiguli ones on the doors. Overall nice. I can’t say anything meaningful about the consumption; the carburetor needs to be adjusted, and the amount supplied is 6-12 liters. And it holds the road well, although there is a limiter at 137 mph. The insulation has become worn out, it has become a bit noisy, but still quieter than in the Russian, I took a ride in the 12th, as a passenger, at 140 there was a strong rumble, and the car is 2006. It has a 4-speed automatic, it feels like there is another speed missing between 2 and 3, on the second it takes a long time and painfully to accelerate. Shifts are almost not felt, if you just spin the tachometer to 5000, 6000, then you can feel it, and then the shifts are smooth without any special jerks. The interior is simply gorgeous, the same color as the car, the seats are comfortable, you sit confidently when cornering, and it doesn’t throw you around in the seat. And in general, a complete set of electronics, and it still works. Many people tell me, sell it, buy yourself another one. They say I'm crazy, that I'm investing so much money in it that it's not worth it. I may have gone crazy, but it's worth it. She is my pride, I love her, she is my “girlfriend”, she is only 20 years old, she is just beginning to live. I have very big plans for her.
I will completely paint it (approximately 50,000-60,000 rubles), install a body kit (25,000-30,000 rubles), replace the front glass (7,500 rubles). And in the future, maybe I’ll change the automatic to a manual, they say a sprinter with a manual is a killer thing. Yes, and in general, even if I buy a new car, I will still leave it. First of all, this is memory, you can even say that I grew up in it. We'll take the girls for a ride again. Thank you for your attention! I hope I didn't bore you with my review. expensive spare parts; I don’t know much about cars, so I have to take it to a car service center for repairs” expandcollapse

Oil consumption and engine volume

The cylinder head is aluminum, the first for series A engines, having two camshafts and 16 valves; later, internal combustion engines were produced in which 20 valves were installed in the cylinder head. Thanks to cost-cutting efforts as a result of the Japanese economic downturn caused by the collapse of the Japanese asset price bubble, both cars were canceled and production ceased in Japan on June 6, 1998. The market segment occupied by the Sprinter Marino and Corolla Ceres were served by Toyota's new concept cars, produced under the trade name WiLL brand, which was shared with products from other Japanese manufacturers and service providers.

Electronics problems - Features edit

Toyota Sprinter Marino. The advantage of this block, in addition to strength and reliability, is the possibility of additional boring of the cylinder diameter to perform major repairs. Stiffer shock absorbers and springs, rear disc brakes, an upper brace between the front suspension cups and a stylish twin-pipe muffler.

Safety • The body and interior here are no longer Corolla, so you still have to pay for beauty and originality with a decrease in practicality.


This model differs from the regular Sprinter in a different front design. The changes mainly affected optics. The Marino is equipped with wide headlights with white turn signals. What is noteworthy: there are no repeaters on the wing (including on the mirrors). But there are rectangular foglights, neatly placed at the bottom of the bumper.

The car has very thin body pillars. And the shape of the roof itself is very round and “sleek”. A distinctive feature of the Toyota Sprinter Marino is the ability to install an optional spoiler. It looks very harmonious against the background of the car and makes its appearance complete and sporty. By the way, in the rear there are very wide lights. This is a whole strip that stretches across the entire body of the car.

“Marino” is made in a hardtop body. In view of this, it is very reminiscent of the Toyota Mark 2. It is both a business sedan and a sports car. The Japanese managed to combine two completely different beliefs. And they succeeded. The car attracts attention even now, more than 20 years later.


By mileage of about 300,000 kilometers, the wear of the piston rings becomes critical. Symptoms of this are noticeable oil loss and a decrease in power. When you rev ​​up the gas up to maximum speed, do you see blue smoke with a specific aroma coming out of the exhaust pipe? Has your top speed decreased? Is there oil deposits in the receiver behind the throttle valve? If so, then it's probably time to replace the piston rings. Replacing the valve stem seals, no matter how “stiff” they may be, will not eliminate the cause and such a replacement only makes sense in conjunction with replacing the rings.


Fuel consumption on cars with automatic transmission in the city averages 10-11 liters per 100 kilometers, and can vary depending on the city itself, driving style and weather conditions. After the repair, the car started up but the vacuum brake booster stopped working, adjusted the ignition, set the idle speed and drove for 2 days, drove 50 km, on the third day it started up, started to twitch, stopped responding to the gas pedal and started popping, after which it stalled, start only with gas all the way and It shoots very hard into the carburetor, help.

Toyota Sprinter Marino: technical specifications

Three gasoline engines were provided for the car. All of them had an in-line cylinder arrangement. So, the base one is a one and a half liter unit with 105 horsepower. In the middle X-type trim levels, a 1.6-liter power unit was already available. Its peak power was 115 horsepower. The motor has good dynamic characteristics for its volume.

So, acceleration to hundreds took 11.9 seconds. Top versions were equipped with a 165 horsepower engine. This “monster” accelerated the Marino to hundreds in 9 seconds.

History of creation Design features

Sprinter Marino 1992-98 These cars were offered to consumers who wanted the luxury approach offered by the Toyota Crown hardtop and sedan, as well as the Mark II 4-door sedan, Cresta 4-door hardtop and Chaser 4-door hardtop and increased performance, and the following segment on the Corona and Carina, called the Toyota Corona EXiV and Toyota Carina ED which were all offered at reduced prices and reduced tax liability depending on vehicle size and engine size. The Toyota Sprinter Marino is a four-door hardtop version of the Toyota Sprinter sedan produced between 1992 and 1998 E100 Corolla series for sale in Japan.

Features of the 4A GE marking • engine cylinders operate in order 1, 3, 4, 2;.

Toyota 4A-GE engine: Reliability, Problems, Tuning

More serious changes in the design occurred exactly one year later, in May 1995, with the launch of the new base model AE11#. Engines and suspension elements have undergone modifications. The F-type began to be equipped with a modernized 5A-FE engine with less power, but a little more torque (100ps at 5600rpm/14kgm at 4400rpm), the manual transmission received changed gear ratios, which improved efficiency. The G-type began to be equipped with a modernized 4A-GE twenty-valve engine (165ps at 7800rpm/16.5kgm at 5600rpm) and an exhaust system with one muffler.


The Toyota Sprinter Marino was available in four variants: the more common 1587 cc engine. CM with 16-valve distributor DOHC 4AFE, 1487 cc. See With DOHC 5AFE 16-Valve Camshaft Rare 1587cc See Twin Cam 20 Valve DOHC Silver Top 4AGE and the even rarer 1587cc. Twin Cam 20 Valve Black Top 4AGE. The Silver Top 4AGE engine produces 160 hp. (at 7500 rpm) and is the second most powerful Toyota 4AGE high-performance engine ever produced, behind only the Black Top 4AGE engine, which is by about 5 hp. (4 kW) more powerful (available in Sprinter Marino from 1997 to 1998 with 6 manual transmissions or 4 automatic transmissions).

The Marino featured a specially designed five-speed manual transmission, as well as an automatic version and an optional limited-slip differential.


The lubrication system is classic, oil under pressure lubricates the crankshaft and sliding bearings, and is supplied under pressure to the connecting rod head, rubbing parts of camshafts and other loaded mechanisms. True, we should not forget that, firstly, liquid synthetics can run through old oil seals and gaskets, and secondly, for engines in not very good condition, wash out the accumulated resins and deposits and clog the channels or oil receiver with them.

Zhor oil... Design features

After the repair, the car started up but the vacuum brake booster stopped working, adjusted the ignition, set the idle speed and drove for 2 days, drove 50 km, on the third day it started up, started to twitch, stopped responding to the gas pedal and started popping, after which it stalled, start only with gas all the way and It shoots very hard into the carburetor, help. the ignition system on all versions of the old type is one common coil for four cylinders, a mechanical distributor and high-voltage wires to the spark plug of each cylinder;.

Review of Toyota Marino (1993)

Toyota Sprinter Marino 1994 (hereinafter Marino, Marinka, etc.) came across to me in the newspaper. I’ll say right away that this car was specifically taken to be made, sold and made money on it. My brother and I went and looked: it was in disrepair, the front left part was broken. But the car was running, it started up somehow, but it was still able to move under its own power. The salon was clean. The trunk had a beautiful aluminum floor and neon lighting). To my question: “Where is the music?” the owner of the car said with a sly squint: “And I took it off, since its cost is comparable to the car itself. In short, I liked the machine. One thing: it was a manual transmission, which won’t add points during subsequent resale... Few people here are ready to pull the gearshift knob with their left hand - everyone is used to automatic machines and other goodies. Fuck it, I personally had no problems changing gears with my left hand, I think I’m not the only one. The advantage of manual transmission is relative “sportiness” and dynamism in comparison with automatic transmission.

Why did you choose the Toyota Marino? The first is a positive experience with my first car, a 1983 Toyota Sprinter Caribbean, and the second is, of course, a very positive review from a friend from the yard - I drove it for many years - there was not a single serious breakdown. The engine is widespread and has proven to be unpretentious and reliable, 4A-FE.

We agreed on the price tag, went to the notary, filled out the paperwork, did the calculations, rolled the car out of the garage and that’s it - now the Marinka is at our disposal! )) Since there was no insurance or maintenance ticket (the car, according to the owner, had been idle for a long time), they decided to take it in a supposed tow, so that, if anything happened, they could get rid of the DePeeSniks. Fortunately, my work car was “under the ****.” We drove in such a hitch for about a kilometer - it didn’t work out very well: the cable was not long enough to ensure more or less safe towing. Either the first car would pull the rear one, then vice versa - this way we attracted even more attention. We decided to “uncouple” out of harm’s way and drive slowly, avoiding intersections where valiant employees usually work.

In short, we brought it and put it in our makeshift workshop. We compiled a list of spare parts and closed the garage. I searched for body parts on the principle of “time is money”, that is, it is better to quickly and expensively than take a long time and cheaply. I took the newspaper and wrote down all the companies that do labor for the Japanese in our city. There were about 20-25 of them... I got on the phone and, with the tenacity of a sheep, called everyone) As a result, I ordered a hood-bumper from one, a fender, a filter housing and other small things were found in our city for analysis, a headlight, turn signals from a third. The average time frame was 1.5 weeks.

While we were waiting for spare parts, we went around the markets and purchased the necessary tools: hammers, a 1.5-ton winch, pliers and other small things. We brought the semi-automatic welding machine to life: we changed the nozzle and tip, treated it with a special spray so that the slag did not stick.

We started tin work, we have: the front left boom and mudguard are soft-boiled, the glass has gone to the right, the TV is jammed, the spar has gone up a couple of centimeters. We disassembled all the interfering parts: the electric wiper motor, the stand with the wheel, radiators, etc. We hooked the car to the floor by the rear subframe. We started editing slowly. A week later the salary arrived. We installed it, measured the gaps - they seemed good. We tried to prime the engine compartment with an existing ancient Soviet compressor: it turned out, let’s say right away, no ice! They came with the air, without any hesitation, and water and oil... As always, there wasn’t enough money for a new compressor. I had to collect Marinka and take her to the service center, where I was still working at that time. Give some money to the painter for painting in a normal chamber and with clean “air”. After 1.5 weeks the car was ready. Polished, shiny, overall beautiful! )

By the way, when taking it to the service center, a distinct knocking sound was detected somewhere in the back... After the painting work, they lifted the car onto a lift and saw that one shock absorber was damp, the stabilizer bushings were “dead.” The rest seems fine. I ordered a Kayaba strut for 4.5 rubles and bushings for 30 rubles per piece, it arrived three days later, I changed it, the cabin became quiet...

I rode it before the sale for about two weeks, every day around the city: home-work-home, night rides with friends. I even drove into the countryside, where, without much difficulty, my Marinka “put the needle” at 140 km/h, while steering and it wasn’t so loud in the cabin... Compared to my previous car (Daewoo Nexia), it’s just heaven and earth! With right-hand drive on the highway, overtaking large (tall) cars, behind which you cannot see the road ahead, is of course problematic. In such cases, I didn’t take any risks: I trailed behind such a car until the big left bend in the road, when even in a right-hand drive car the road in front of the car being overtaken is clearly visible. Gear down, gas to the floor and Marinka happily jumped forward. In short, it's a pleasure! )

But now the time has come to sell: on the eve of Friday (our car market works normally from Saturday to Sunday), I took the car to the car wash to wash the engine compartment and exterior. The employee closed the distributor, and either forgot the generator or didn’t know, and I missed this moment too... The chemistry did its dirty work: at the first load on the generator (in the evening I turned on the headlights and foglights - it started to rain), the no-charging icon on the dashboard lit up Battery In short, we've arrived. I barely reached the yard with the dimensions and slammed the car by pressing the buttons on the doors - there was no longer enough electricity for the alarm. The next morning, instead of going to the market, I charged the battery while I removed the generator and took it for repairs. At the electric motor repair office they charged me 200 rubles. insulation breakdown in the rotor winding... they don’t have another rotor, only a new generator for 7.5 thousand rubles. like Toyota - expensive! I had to call everyone again, and I was lucky; at the disassembly site I found a used general for only 2.5 thousand rubles. I put the alternator back in place, brought in the already charged battery - the car started up, but we didn’t have time to get to the market). So Marinka gave me the pleasure of riding for another week, which I was incredibly happy about! )

While operating the car, when my emotions had already subsided, I began to involuntarily listen to the car and heard an incomprehensible knocking sound in the engine - the fault was with the valves, where they were adjusted with plates, like on Ladas. I went to see a motor mechanic I know, a Toyota lover. To which he told me that it was most likely the piston pins that were knocking - it was due to age and nothing would help. I didn’t want to overhaul the motor, especially since the motor mechanic told me that nothing good would come from capital, it’s easier to buy a contract motor and replace it. In short, it was decided to leave everything as it is and not interfere with the machine’s work! )

On Saturday I finally took Marinka to the market. I didn't expect her to attract so much attention. But many were still confused by the mechanics, which caused many potential buyers to pass by. But there were buyers: outbids from a neighboring city. We took a ride and liked it. To the notary, paperwork and that’s it, goodbye Marinka! :(. The guys drove her to their city...

A year later, I accidentally met these outbids on the market again. He asked about Marino’s future fate. They said that the car is still driving, nothing has been done to the engine (it’s still knocking, it’s still knocking, it doesn’t affect the speed :)), and it survived another accident in the same place. But in principle, the new owner is happy!

Transmission © Design Features

Toyota Sprinter Marino Car Body Weights - Weight Tables Due to cost-cutting efforts as a result of the Japanese economic downturn caused by the collapse of the Japan Asset Price Bubble, both vehicles were discontinued and ceased production in Japan on June 6, 1998. Automatic door locking has been a mandatory feature on the car since its first year of production in 1991 - in accordance with the 1991 Japanese Automotive Law, which requires all JDM vehicles to lock all doors within 18 km.
Sales of TOYOTA cars from Japan Total body weight of Toyota Sprinter Marino General view General view of bodies Bare body weight min kg Minimum body weight for different modifications of Toyota Sprinter Marino. The problem is that the carburetor makes very loud popping noises both at idle and while driving, it jerks so hard that it’s impossible to drive at all; it’s pulled to the house by a cable.
  • Marino F
    – 5AFE – 5SPD MAN, 4SPD AUTO
  • Marino F Extra PKG
    – 5AFE – 5SPD MAN, 4SPD AUTO
  • Marino X
    – 5AFE – 5SPD MAN, 4SPD AUTO 4SPD AUTO ECTS option available on automatic transmission
  • Marino X Extra PKG
    - 4AFE - 5SPD MAN, 4SPD AUTO ECTS option available on A/T
  • Marino GT
    - 20V 4AGE - 5SPD MAN, 4SPD AUTO ECTS option available on A/T
  • Marino GT Extra PKG
    – 20V 4AGE – 5SPD MAN, 4SPD AUTO ECTS option available on A/T

Other names: • More serious changes in the design occurred exactly one year later, in May 1995.


The car was equipped with different types of transmissions. Among them were five- and six-speed manual transmissions, as well as a 4-speed automatic transmission. Oddly enough, the most common one turned out to be the machine gun. It is quite reliable, as reviews say. However, in the city this car is very gluttonous. Per hundred it will consume at least 12 liters in the most economical cycle. Another point is driving on the highway.

Many people express their dissatisfaction with the 4-speed torque converter, with which the engine on the road rests almost at the “cut-off”. But here it is worth noting that the automatic transmission on the Toyota Marino had an “overdrive” mode. This is an imitation of fifth gear. At the same time, the corresponding indicator on the panel lights up. Thanks to this function, the car could travel in economy mode at a speed of 110-130 kilometers per hour. When you press the brake, the electronics automatically switches to fourth gear.

About the site

The hardtop approach has been used in various segments of Toyota's mainstream sedans, offering a more upscale hardtop version. These vehicles were offered to consumers who wanted the luxury approach offered by the Toyota Crown hardtop and sedan, as well as the Mark II (4-door sedan), Cresta (4-door hardtop) and Chaser (4-door hardtop and performance), and The next segment on Corona and Carina was called Toyota Corona EXiV and Toyota Carina ED, which were offered at reduced prices and reduced tax obligations depending on the size of the car and engine size. The Ceres/Marino twins faced competition from other Japanese manufacturers in this size classification such as the Nissan Presea, Mazda Lantis and Honda Integra.

First version

These cars can already be classified in the category of light GTs - at least there are not many better ones in terms of dynamic characteristics among charged classmates of the same displacement. Even the cheapest F-type package had electric windows on all doors, fabric upholstery on doors and seats, body-colored bumpers and rear-view mirror housings, central locking, height-adjustable steering wheel, tachometer, folding rear seat because there were no simpler options was provided for.


Inside is a JDMa classic. The car was produced only in right-hand drive. There is also soft velor and comfortable seats. The lateral support in them is spread out so much, as if it were a car for circuit racing. But no, the Marino is an ordinary civilian car that takes you comfortably from one point to another.

The car's instrument panel has dial gauges. Optionally, it was not possible to install an electronic shield, as was the case on the Crown and other Toyotas. The center console is made quite modestly - a heater control unit, a cassette radio and a pair of air ducts. Despite all this, the car has excellent sound insulation. The plastic does not rattle on bumps and is pleasant to the touch.

O was produced in several configurations:

  • F (the most budget-friendly, on 13-inch “stampings”).
  • X (average).
  • G-type (luxury).

But even the basic one already had electric windows on all doors, air conditioning, heated glass and velor seat upholstery. Regardless of the modification, the car was distinguished by high build quality. As for the X and G-type versions, they were distinguished by leather trim on the steering wheel and gearshift lever. The steering wheel and seat were electrically adjustable. An armrest was also provided between the front passenger and driver's seats. It was distinguished by its enormous capacity - reviews say. Toyota Sprinter Marino is a very comfortable car. It can travel hundreds of kilometers without fatigue.

Description 4A GE • Features edit

TOYOTA SPRINTER MARINO 1992-1998 | Oil filling volumes for cars The chassis, suspension, engines and transmissions of cars are identical to those offered for the Corolla Sprinter family, so, by the way, despite the external exoticism, there are no problems with spare parts and consumables, both in the West and, especially, in eastern part of the country. By the way, all other things being equal, these engines are definitely much more worn out than simple ones in Japan, such cars are also bought for a reason, and in the case of a run in Russia, there is no doubt that the car was left burning.
  • 1 Features 1.1 Transmission
  • 1.2 Security
  • 1.3 Trimming


The Japanese took the Toyota Corolla as a basis. Therefore, there are minimal differences in the chassis. The front is a classic MacPherson, the rear is a torsion beam. By the way, the suspension itself had limited travel.

The owners say that the car behaves very harshly in the pits. Therefore, installing low-profile tires is not recommended. At the same time, the car pleases with its handling. The car is literally tailored for a sporty ride. And this is a big plus.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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