How to open a Toyota Corolla with a dead battery?

Open the car without a key

Experts do not recommend performing an autopsy on a 2008 Toyota Corolla yourself or asking your neighbors in the parking lot to do it. Also, you shouldn’t ask people you don’t know about this.

There is a small chance that you will be able to open the car on your own. Alarm systems and locks are made in such a way as to prevent car break-ins. Based on this, attempts to open the car on your own will not only not be successful, but can also cause damage to your car. Also, unprofessional attempts to open the lock can greatly complicate the work of a qualified specialist who will open the car. The question of how to open a Toyota Corolla without a key remains unresolved.

Open Toyota in Voronezh without a key - service

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    How to open a Toyota car if the keys are left inside the car and the doors are slammed or locked? Also possible situations:

    • lost key;
    • the alarm does not open or does not work;
    • the lock is jammed;
    • the battery is dead;
    • the lock does not work;
    • The lock has been activated.

    Often a triggered alarm blocks the Toyota central locking. Of course, any vehicle owners should take care of making duplicate keys in advance, but what to do if they are not at hand?

    Our experienced specialist will help you open the car without a key, the price is indicated in the “price list” section. Toyota car opening service in Voronezh.

    Every day since 2003 we open from 1 to 3 Toyota cars. The average time of arrival of a technician is 22 minutes. The average opening time is 2 minutes. You call - the master is already on his way!

    How to open a Toyota in Voronezh inexpensively

    • Call us at the number;
    • You inform the operator of the Toyota model and its location in Voronezh;
    • The operator specifies the price of the service;
    • If you are outside of Voronezh;
    • The master calls back and goes to your address within the Voronezh region;
    • Upon arrival at the site, our specialist will inspect and open your Voronezh Toyota;
    • Based on the results of the work, payments are made in cash or by transfer from Sberbank or Alfabank.

    Who can correctly and legally open a Toyota Corolla?

    Seeking help from a company specializing in such work would be an excellent way out of this situation. The specialists of these organizations know how to quickly open the car. On your part, you will only need to wait for the specialist and pay for his work after completion.

    By hiring the services of a knowledgeable technician, you avoid having to repair a broken lock, door or broken glass.

    Firms providing such services provide highly paid training to their specialists. Private individuals usually do not receive any training at all and, as a result, cannot guarantee you a positive result, and most importantly, the integrity of the locks and the safety of the car after attempting to open it.

    A professional has a safe set of tools that cannot be found in stores for public use. Companies, anticipating the situation with drivers losing keys, often provide their service centers with the tools necessary for opening them. In addition to the tools, such a scrupulous procedure requires experience. So training is an integral part of the work of a service professional. And excessive confidence in the success of opening the car yourself can lead to its breakdown.

    Contact a specialized company

    If the car owner does not know how to open the vehicle after losing its key, then it is necessary to contact specialized companies that are engaged in opening locks. Experienced specialists are trained in such procedures and know how to open a Toyota Corolla vehicle without a key. They will not break the lock and the owner will not have to repair the car after such an opening.

    If, on the contrary, you turn to a private agency, then in addition to repairing the lock, the car owner may also have to fork out money to have the broken glass replaced by such a would-be master.

    The only disadvantage for the car owner is the waiting time. But it’s better to wait than to later pay for repairs after a failed opening.

    Before the technician arrives, the owner of a Toyota Corolla must prepare documents. If they remain inside the car, then he will have to provide them immediately after opening to the technician.

    If the owner does not have time to wait, then he can do the autopsy himself. Using available tools.

    What is needed to open a car by a professional?

    When you call a specialist, describe the problem in detail, indicate the make of the car and its general characteristics. After a detailed description, it is likely that a professional will be able to help you over the phone, and the car will be able to open.

    Often you have to wait for a specialist to arrive.

    You will have to show him the documents for the car, if they are in the car, then show them immediately after opening it. Otherwise, the car will be locked and you will end up at the police station.

    Attention, how to start a car without keys (read for everyone how it gets stolen)

    the first thing that comes to mind is the technoblock, but if necessary, they will take it away on a tow truck

    Tow trucks are stupid.

    Protection against theft by tow truck

    There is no direct protection from the enterprise itself called “loading by tow truck”, no one will argue with that. “They arrived, loaded it, and took it away.” Now we will reveal in detail these phrases, which I often hear with a malicious smile as an argument for the ineffectiveness of any protection against theft.

    Let's look at car theft using a tow truck equipped with a proprietary security system in our Laboratory. Because It is impossible to get into a car that is standing by itself; we can consider theft only by fully loading it with a tow truck with a manipulator.

    Factor 1. Psychology of risk.

    To begin with, we realize that the word “theft by a tow truck” means not robots, but quite ordinary people. You need to clearly understand: the thief does not need your car in the future, he just needs money for his work. He only takes (hijacks) it from point A and brings it to point B. Sometimes, the hijacker’s task is only to start the engine, and another person does the driving.

    Risk No. 1. Do-it-yourself theft (applied method). The thief is caught in the car during the theft. The prosecutor's office will try to accuse the hijacker in court, but in response we get an acquittal:

    • I didn’t want to steal the car, it was unlocked with the keys and the purpose of the theft was not further resale of the car, but just the opportunity to get to the pharmacy to buy my grandmother’s medicine;
    • I’m walking and I see that the car is running and there’s no one there, I deliberately decided to wait for the owner
    • it was open, I just decided to warm up... I sat down, and she drove off;
    • I didn’t want to steal it - just rip out the radio and that’s it

    The thief easily explains to the court that he did not pursue the goal of stealing the car for further resale. The hijacker receives 1-2 years of probation.

    Risk No. 2. The car thieves were caught on a tow truck.

    The fact of theft by loading has already been proven and is committed by a group of people in conspiracy (and it will simply be impossible for one person to load the car). 3-5 years imprisonment

    Factor 2. Equipment

    When a car is stolen while loading, we put equipment worth at least 1.5 million rubles at risk. During the investigation of the theft, a tow truck appears, and it will not go unnoticed. On video footage of the flow when leaving Moscow, it will light up + the tow truck is a difficult-to-conceal evidence and a tool for theft.

    Factor 3. Hijacker's bonus

    At point B they are waiting for a technically serviceable car. The thief's remuneration does not depend on how he delivered the car. We take an average foreign car up to 2 years old - 700 - 900 tr. The brigade will receive 50-70 tr. (5-10% of cost) in any case.

    Factor 4. Time of theft

    I have a friend who runs a company that tows all kinds of cars. Before writing this article, I specifically asked for the opportunity, and spent half a day of working time being present when three cars were loaded by a tow truck. Whatever one may say, loading a car takes at least 10-15 minutes (in one case 25 minutes; it was very difficult to drive up to pick it up). It is necessary to set up supports so that the tow truck does not tip over when lifting the car, secure the winch correctly, carefully load the car, secure it for safe transportation and remove the supports.

    Digression: maybe I was so lucky, but in two cases, when the car was transported outside the Moscow Ring Road to technical centers, the tow truck was stopped by traffic police officers to check documents.

    Now let's take a sober look at theft by a tow truck, taking into account all the above factors.

    • risk equipment worth 1.5 million;
    • possibility of imprisonment for 5 years.
    • attract attention for at least 10-15 minutes during loading.
    • get for this at best 5-10% of the cost of the car, as in a simple, practical theft.

    Therefore, theft by a tow truck will be profitable only when very expensive cars are stolen, when such a high risk is covered by high amounts of 100-200 tr. (here, of course, not without the assistance of werewolves in uniform). This is what the statistics show. According to the summary statistics of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate that I have, in 2009 in Moscow and the Moscow region, using the full or partial loading method, only 17 cars out of 11,600 stolen were stolen, all cars worth more than 1 million rubles.

    In our security complex, when loading begins, a powerful non-standard siren turns on, which attracts third-party audiences, and the owner can remotely, having received an alarm about loading, detonate a smoke cartridge, which will envelop the car and the tow truck in a cloud of smoke (60 cubic meters). In addition, we know where it is going. machine (if the communication channel is not jammed) and we have the opportunity to receive its current location via a beacon once a day.

    The proprietary anti-theft protection algorithms offered by us have the following features:

    • You can only use a tow truck with a manipulator;
    • the presence of an external attracting factor - powerful sirens;
    • the presence of an external attracting factor - 60 cubic meters of smoke;
    • instant notification of the owner about the start of evacuation (2 communication channels);
    • the ability to obtain a track of the vehicle’s movement and its last location;
    • the ability to search for a stolen car using a beacon.

    Taking into account all the factors, general statistics and the methods of counteraction we offer, the probability and possibility of theft of a car by a tow truck protected in our Laboratory is simply zero.

    When I hear: “What if you load it with a tow truck! ” I always suggest: “Why? It’s safer and faster to pull it away with a helicopter on a magnet.”

    Independent discovery of Toyota Corolla

    If for some reason you decide to open the car yourself, you can use the advice of car enthusiasts who have already done this. The most common methods:

    • knock out the side window and open the door;
    • the door lock is turned entirely;
    • take a thin stick, bend the corner of the door, place something soft in the gap and, reaching out, press the button to open the doors;
    • take a thin stick, bend the corner of the door, place something soft in the gap, insert a wire with a hook and hook the door opening button;
    • take a thin stick, bend the corner of the door, place something soft in the gap, insert a wire with a hook and pry either the central locking system or the window opening button (if the car is locked while running);
    • There is molding in the place where the glass disappears into the door. It is carefully pryed up and removed, as a result a gap about half a centimeter wide appears, from which there is access to the door rods. They pull the rod with a wire, and the door opens.

    How to open a Toyota Corolla through the trunk?

    Drivers repeatedly tried to open the locked car through the trunk. To do this, perform the following steps:

    • use a thin stick to bend the trunk;
    • they hook the trunk lock with a wire and open it;
    • remove the casing;
    • remove the rear panel and rear seat;
    • use a thin piece of iron to pry up the latches on the headrests of the rear seats, tilt them forward from the trunk and enter the cabin through the trunk.

    The video shows how you can open the trunk, and from there you can easily get into the car interior:

    Installing an electric trunk lock for a Toyota Corolla

    I think all Corolla owners feel the lack of this useful feature. The situation is common: bags full of groceries, keys in hand, but nothing can be done. You either need to open the trunk with the key, or pull the handle from the interior. I decided to get rid of this problem once and for all. We buy a lock activator.

    I took StarLine SL-2 by analogy.

    We open the inner lining of the trunk.

    This is very convenient to do with a clip cutter.

    How to open a Toyota Corolla if the battery is dead?

    Car owners share their experience: what can be done if the battery in a Toyota Corolla is dead. Let's look at different methods.

    • a tow truck delivers the car to a service station;
    • attach it to a lift in the workshop, remove the lower protection;
    • open the hood with special devices;
    • charge the battery.
    • pull the cable through the radiator grille;
    • prying the latch open the hood;
    • charge the battery.
    • install a jack;
    • unscrew the wheel;
    • remove fender liners and bumper parts;
    • stretch the wire with a loop to the “+” battery;
    • The battery is charging.

    Attaching an electromechanical lock to the trunk lid

    First of all, I found a place to mount the actuator; I didn’t want to drill holes in the trunk, so I screwed the actuator (solenoid) into the existing holes and bolts. I screwed the solenoid with only one self-tapping screw onto the mounting bar, and placed a piece of foam rubber between the housing and the actuator so that it would not dangle. Everything is held securely. I made the rod from aluminum wire, the rod that comes with the kit is too rigid, it is inconvenient to bend it. I lubricated the joints of the wire with CIATIM to prevent rubbing. The solenoid will pull the trunk release rod with the key.

    The actuator works in both directions, both retracting and pushing, so depending on the profile of the trunk lid it can be placed in different ways.

    Mounting the actuator in the trunk lid of Toyota Corolla 120

    Locking the trunk and glove compartment with a service key

    By the way, I learned that if you turn the lock cylinder counterclockwise with the key, the trunk will not open from the passenger compartment. At first I thought that the rod had come off when I checked the functionality of the electromechanical lock, so this is a feature of the trunk lock on the Toyota Corolla. This is necessary so that if the car is taken to a service station, close the trunk with the key and give the service key to the servicemen, but the trunk will not open with this key. Although you can easily get into the trunk from the passenger compartment by reclining the back of the rear seat. The glove compartment in the cabin is also locked with a key.

    Connecting the actuator to the vehicle's electrical network

    I removed the electromechanical lock onto the bolt, to which I also screwed the fastening bar that comes with the actuator. I soldered the connectors to the wires, soldered the grounding ring from wire, somehow it costs a lot in the store, as much as 15 rubles, the traders were completely insolent. I didn’t buy it out of principle, because I know that on Aliexpress they cost pennies, I’ll order a whole set of connectors from my salary, you can choose many different connectors and terminals. I insulated all the connectors with heat-shrinkable tubes, which I purchased on Ali for 50 rubles for 4 meters.

    How to open the car if the battery is removed?

    Hello everyone, I recently picked up a spare zze124 3018699, the car turned out to have a fucking immobilizer and a keyless entry system, but without an alarm. There is a hole in it for a key, but the key in it turns in one direction, only to close (maybe this is a malfunction?). Therefore, the question has arisen, what to do if the battery runs out?

    There are 12 replies to this topic

    My key turns to open the lock if you play with the key a little. Forward-backward, left-right. It's easier in summer, but in winter it freezes. As an additional option, there is also a trunk)

    Try spraying silicone grease from a can into the key hole - it helps a lot if the lock has gone sour

    artems2008 writes: My key turns to open the lock if you play with the key a little. Forward-backward, left-right. It's easier in summer, but in winter it freezes. As an additional option, there is also a trunk)

    I checked it with the key and turned it about 45 degrees both left and right. Opens and closes.

    What they asked about was what they were talking about - the battery was removed or the battery was dead, the key was wrong or the lock didn’t work, well at least there was no alarm))))

    Guardian writes: I checked it with the key and turned it about 45 degrees both left and right. Opens and closes.

    So you say you can’t open the trunk with a key on push-button ones, this is a minus, it’s good for me the old fashioned way.

    Perhaps I'll post a photo too.

    Yes, I don’t have a key hole either. I'm more interested in if you remove the battery, how do you close the back door?

    I have no handle button (no immobilizer), but there is no lock on the trunk door

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    How to open a Toyota Corolla without a key: video instructions on how to get through the trunk

    What to do if the lock on your car won't open?

    And excessive confidence in the success of opening the car yourself can lead to its breakdown. Also, you shouldn’t ask people you don’t know about this. Based on this, attempts to open the car on your own will not only not be successful, but can also cause damage to your car.

    We will show you several practical cases of how to open a Toyota Corolla without a key. We press, we pry...

    Companies, anticipating the situation with drivers losing keys, often provide their service centers with the tools necessary for opening them. Opening a car without a key Experts do not recommend opening a Toyota Corolla of the year of manufacture yourself or asking neighbors in the parking lot to do it.

    In addition to the tools, such a scrupulous procedure requires experience.

    So, we lie down under the car under the driver’s seat. Find the drain plug and unscrew it.

    Now you need to insert a hammer or stick into the drain hole at an angle towards the back of the driver's seat. Press and pry the trunk release lever.

    Now all that’s left is to climb into the trunk, recline the back seat and get into the car’s interior. Well, then it’s a matter of technology. Finding a rope or wire The second method will allow you to open the door itself if the lock is locked.

    Toyota Windom key binding

    To do this you will need a piece of rope, or thin flexible wire, or twine, or fishing line - whatever you find. The main thing is that the length is enough to cover the width of the door more than two times.

    We will have to press the door a little, and then use the lever to pry the upper right corner of the door on the driver's side. We suggest using whatever you can find at hand as a lever, just so as not to scratch the car. This could be a piece of wood, a knife, a screwdriver, or even an unnecessary plastic card. So, we press the door, carefully insert our lever into the gap between the frame and the door and bend it enough so that you can insert a rope or wire into the interior.

    60 posts in this topic

    Using progressive movements, we gradually push the wire into the interior and lower it to the lower edge of the glass. Now you need to stretch a portion of the rope through the right side of the door, enough to tie a loop on it.

    Also, you shouldn’t ask people you don’t know about this. There is a small chance that you will be able to open the car on your own.

    Doors won't open with keys

    Alarm systems and locks are made in such a way as to prevent car break-ins. Based on this, attempts to open the car on your own will not only not be successful, but can also cause damage to your car. Also, unprofessional attempts to open the lock can greatly complicate the work of a qualified specialist who will open the car. The question of how to open a Toyota Corolla without a key remains unresolved.

    How to open a car without a key yourself

    You can open the vehicle without a key through the trunk. This is the simplest method that will not cause any trouble in the future. The procedure is:

    1. Bend the trunk slightly.
    2. Engage the latch and open.
    3. Remove the trim, rear panel and seat.
    4. Carefully pry the rear headrest latches, remove them and place the seats forward.

    Now the car owner will be able to get inside the car to open the doors and pick up his keys that he left there.

    If this method is not suitable, then there are some others. They are described in the following blocks.

    By delivery to a service station by tow truck

    The car owner will need to call a lift and use it to deliver the Toyota to the service center. This procedure is done if the battery is completely discharged and the electronics do not work. Accordingly, the car owner will not be able to open the car without a key.

    1. The car will be mounted on a special stand.
    2. The lower protection will be removed.
    3. Open the hood using special tools.
    4. Charge the battery.

    The car owner will be able to use the car again. Only now he will need to replace the entire battery. Since, if the battery dies once, then it is quite possible that it is faulty.

    Other ways to open a vehicle without a key

    The following methods are more barbaric, but if the car owner did not like the previous tips for some reason, then he can use those described below:

    • break out the glass of the side window and open the lock;
    • use a stick to bend the edge of the door and push the steel wire inside. Hook the lock latch and open the door;
    • turn the door lock completely. The lock will need to be replaced;
    • use the hole under the molding. It must first be removed. Insert a wire into this gap and pick up the door rod and open it;
    • If the car is running, then bend the edge of the door with a stick, insert a wire, and pry the button to open the windows.

    In any of these methods, the owner of the car will have to damage either the lock or the paintwork of the car on the door, the door itself, or even leave dents if the owner does not carefully carry out the opening procedure.

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    Who can correctly and legally open a Toyota Corolla? Seeking help from a company specializing in such work would be an excellent way out of this situation. The specialists of these organizations know how to quickly open the car.

    On your part, you will only need to wait for the specialist and pay for his work after completion. By hiring the services of a knowledgeable technician, you avoid having to repair a broken lock, door or broken glass.

    Firms providing such services provide highly paid training to their specialists. Private individuals usually do not receive any training at all and, as a result, cannot guarantee you a positive result, and most importantly, the integrity of the locks and the safety of the car after attempting to open it.

    A professional has a safe set of tools that cannot be found in stores for public use.

    Companies, anticipating the situation with drivers losing keys, often provide their service centers with the tools necessary for opening them. In addition to the tools, such a scrupulous procedure requires experience.

    So training is an integral part of the work of a service professional. And excessive confidence in the success of opening the car yourself can lead to its breakdown.

    Source: D1%82%D0%B0-%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BB%D0%B0-38.html

    How to open a Toyota Corolla without a key: video instructions on how to get through the trunk

    What to do if the lock on your car won't open?

    And excessive confidence in the success of opening the car yourself can lead to its breakdown. Also, you shouldn’t ask people you don’t know about this. Based on this, attempts to open the car on your own will not only not be successful, but can also cause damage to your car.

    We will show you several practical cases of how to open a Toyota Corolla without a key. We press, we pry...

    Companies, anticipating the situation with drivers losing keys, often provide their service centers with the tools necessary for opening them. Opening a car without a key Experts do not recommend opening a Toyota Corolla of the year of manufacture yourself or asking neighbors in the parking lot to do it.

    In addition to the tools, such a scrupulous procedure requires experience.

    So, we lie down under the car under the driver’s seat. Find the drain plug and unscrew it.

    Now you need to insert a hammer or stick into the drain hole at an angle towards the back of the driver's seat. Press and pry the trunk release lever.

    Now all that’s left is to climb into the trunk, recline the back seat and get into the car’s interior. Well, then it’s a matter of technology. Finding a rope or wire The second method will allow you to open the door itself if the lock is locked.

    Toyota Windom key binding

    To do this you will need a piece of rope, or thin flexible wire, or twine, or fishing line - whatever you find. The main thing is that the length is enough to cover the width of the door more than two times.

    Prices for autopsy

    Opening the trunk, hood, gas tank

    Transmission locks

    Reasons for opening a locked car

    1. the larvae are clogged or frozen;
    2. trunk does not open;
    3. the salon is blocked;
    4. the key is broken or lost;
    5. the key fob does not work;
    6. the battery is dead;
    7. there was a malfunction in the operation of the central locking system;
    8. The hood cable broke.

    Pay attention to the most popular services in other brand models: open Toyota, Camry, how to open the hood of a Toyota Avensis Moscow.

    How to open the trunk of a Corolla

    In most modifications of the model, the rear door opening lever is located on the left under the driver's seat. From the outside, you can open the trunk from under the car. There is a drain plug in the bottom of the driver's side. You need to insert a stick, hammer handle or similar object into the hole that it covers. The device is inserted at an angle towards the headrest of the driver's seat. By pulling the mat, the trunk release lever will operate and unlock access to the cargo compartment. To avoid puncturing the coating, the object used to open the trunk must be blunt.

    A soured or rusty fifth door cylinder can be treated with WD-40 spray, which effectively copes with corrosion and road dirt. After this, the lock opens normally with a mechanical key; more force may be required. It is important not to press too hard, otherwise the key will break.

    If the lock is worn out and will still need to be replaced in the future, the trunk can be opened by twisting the cylinder. To do this, drive a large flat-head screwdriver into the hole and turn it several times in the direction opposite to the opening.

    How to open the hood of a Corolla

    If you have access to the car interior, you need to determine the fault.
    To do this, pull the hood release lever. If a characteristic click is not heard, the cable is broken. If there is sound, then the locking mechanism is dirty. In this case, treating the latch with WD-40 and the help of a second person will help. One presses the hood down, and the second at this time pulls the lever from the passenger compartment. If the cable is broken, you need to find the break point. To do this, remove the lever. If it is visible after dismantling the handle, it is enough to hook the fragment with pliers and pull sharply. If the cable is frayed in the middle, it can be picked up with a wire hook through the radiator grille.

    When the cable cannot be engaged, you need to dismantle the radiator grille and unscrew the hood lock bracket or press the lock rod spring out of the engine compartment.

    How to open a door on a Toyota Corolla
    • If the car door has a locking button (“fungus”), the lock can be opened using a long rope or shoelace. A slip knot is made in the middle of the twine, which is tightened by pulling both ends. The rope is inserted into the cabin from above through the gap between the body and the door. The loop is placed over the button, tightened and pulled sharply upward.
    • If there is no “fungus”, a wire with a bent end is inserted into the cabin, which should be used to pull the door opening handle. To do this, the slot into which the device is inserted must be widened with a wooden wedge. The tool is wrapped in soft material so as not to damage the paint. It is also possible to unlock the interior by pressing the central locking button on the car’s dashboard.
    • If you remove the molding and sealing material between the glass and the side door body, you can gain access to the lock rod. Through the resulting gap, it is hooked and pulled with a wire with a hook at the end or pulled back with a metal ruler.

    When the Toyota Corolla locks do not open in severe frost, you need to drive the car into a warm garage or heated parking lot.
    Do not use boiling water, open fire or a hairdryer to defrost. A sudden change in temperature will raise the paintwork, damage and deform sealing materials. If it is not possible to put the car in a warm place, you should use a special defrosting agent. Opening locks on your own is a big risk of aggravating the problem and facing expenses that can be avoided if the matter is handled by professionals. Our company employs specialists equipped with modern equipment and extensive practical experience in opening cars of all makes and models.

    To quickly and accurately solve the problem with opening the car, call us! The master will arrive within 20 minutes to any place in Moscow or the region around the clock.

    The Toyota Corolla chip key is equipped with a CR 1632 Renata or Panasonic battery. Judging by the reviews of the owners, such batteries last about 6-7 years.

    • VARTA CR1632 price about 150 rub.
    • Energizer CR1632 3V about 100 rub.
    • Panasonic CR1632 BL5 from 120 RUR
    • Camelion CR1632 from 40-50 rub.
    • ANSMANN CR1632 about 100 rub.
    • Renata CR1632 3V about 200 rub.
    • Kodak CR1632 about 50 rub.
    • CR1632 Panasonic Lithium Power about 110 rubles
    • MATSUSHIMA CR1632 about 70 rub.

    If you want to order an original battery installed exactly from the factory, here is the ordering number: 89745-52030

    Characteristics of CR 1632 battery

    • Voltage 3V
    • Capacity 135 mAh
    • Thickness 3.2 mm
    • Diameter 16 mm
    • Weight 1.8 g

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    Who can correctly and legally open a Toyota Corolla? Seeking help from a company specializing in such work would be an excellent way out of this situation. The specialists of these organizations know how to quickly open the car.

    On your part, you will only need to wait for the specialist and pay for his work after completion. By hiring the services of a knowledgeable technician, you avoid having to repair a broken lock, door or broken glass.

    Firms providing such services provide highly paid training to their specialists. Private individuals usually do not receive any training at all and, as a result, cannot guarantee you a positive result, and most importantly, the integrity of the locks and the safety of the car after attempting to open it.

    A professional has a safe set of tools that cannot be found in stores for public use.

    Companies, anticipating the situation with drivers losing keys, often provide their service centers with the tools necessary for opening them. In addition to the tools, such a scrupulous procedure requires experience.

    So training is an integral part of the work of a service professional. And excessive confidence in the success of opening the car yourself can lead to its breakdown.

    Source: D1%82%D0%B0-%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BB%D0%B0-38.html

    Toyota Corolla Trunk Won't Open Temporary Repair of Trunk Release Cable Notes

    Title: Toyota Corolla Trunk Won't Open Temporary Repair of Trunk Opening Cable Notes

    Uploaded by: Toyota Lexus Ufa Maintenance Studio

    Duration: 1 min and 9 sec

    Bitrate: 192 Kbps

    1.51 MB and duration 1 minute and 9 seconds in mp3 format.

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