Long life or radiator killer? Antifreeze examination from Onliner.by

Coolant properties

Antifreeze is used not only for cars, but also for heating systems and aircraft engines. The liquid contains ethylene glycol and various additives

. They will improve not only the operation of the units, but also prevent their rapid wear. If the concentrate is diluted correctly, the coolant will provide the following conditions for the engine:

  • the boiling point will be low or optimal;
  • the service life will be long and without loss;
  • rubber products will get rid of the aggressive influence on them;
  • the boiling point will be high and the thermal conductivity will be high;
  • anti-foam characteristics will be high.

If at least one of these conditions is not met, then your car will be repaired.

Properties and characteristics of the solution

The main purpose of antifreeze is to cool the unit. The temperature from the combustion of hydrocarbon fuel exceeds 2,100 °C. Therefore, the power unit requires intensive cooling to prevent premature failure of its parts.

When operating in winter, it is necessary that the coolant does not crystallize. When frozen, it can damage and destroy rubber and plastic parts.

The main components of antifreeze liquids are:

It’s up to you to decide whether to use Castrol or Total. The main thing is that the composition is suitable for your engine. Be sure to take this into account.

The choice of fluid for the cooling system is made based on the operating conditions and recommendations of the manufacturer of the engine, and not the coolant.

What are the differences between antifreeze in appearance?

In order to distinguish antifreeze from plain water or to see the location of a leak in the cooling system, manufacturers add a dye. But, various other components are also added to them, which give other properties to the liquid. And in order to distinguish what properties the components will provide, they are painted in different colors. Coolers of European or Japanese brands are often used.

According to European standardization, G11 antifreeze is colored green

. Components such as inorganic additives, which are included in this composition, provide operation for a period of three years and are used for all types of radiators.

Antifreeze such as G12 is red in color (or from pink to burgundy). The additives in this solution act selectively because they are of the carboxylate type. Therefore, this liquid will cover with a protective layer only the surface that is affected by corrosion. With such a concentrate, the service life will be 5 years.

G13 antifreeze is painted yellow (possibly a brighter shade of yellow). Since it is propylene glycol, the price is an order of magnitude higher because it is more environmentally friendly. It is used for sports or forced engines of passenger cars or various motorcycles.

But the color of coolers according to the Japanese system indicates the temperature at which they freeze.

It is common to use green coolant. Such a cooler freezes at a temperature of minus 25. If the temperature is minus 25, then you need to use green. For those countries where the temperature is about 30 degrees, you need to pour red concentrate into the engine tank.

Which antifreeze concentrate is better?

Antifreeze concentrate is available in several colors

Different colors of concentrates exist to differentiate product classes, brands and their compatibility.

Coolant is essential for good engine performance. Otherwise the motor may be damaged. The coolant contains reagents that do not freeze. Among other things, antifreeze comes in various colors: green, red, blue, etc. The colors are obtained due to the non-food dyes present in the liquid. Different colors exist to differentiate product classes and their brands. And also their compatibility. Remember what color you filled in , and next time take the appropriate color. Color compatibility is indicated on the label. Antifreeze concentrate is green . In addition to the dye, its composition includes a fairly large number of various additives. They prevent corrosion and destruction of engine and radiator surfaces. Allows the entire system to operate better at different temperatures and in different climatic zones. Typically, the freezing point of antifreeze concentrate can be from -40 to +50 degrees. But each manufacturer may have its own nuances. Antifreeze concentrate is red . Before use, dilution should be done with distilled water. If the manufacturer assures that it can be diluted with tap water, then it is better to make a little mixture for testing. In a few days it will be clear whether precipitation has fallen or not. Various additives added to this coolant help improve the performance of the cooling system. For a temperature of -40°C, the concentrate must be diluted in a ratio of 1:1. At t -30°C in a ratio of 2:3, at t -20°C in a ratio of 1:2. Antifreeze concentrate blue . It has excellent anti-corrosion properties and a long service life. This coolant is designed for both diesel and gasoline engines. It should be diluted with distilled water in a ratio of 1:1, which makes it possible to work at a temperature of -35°C. A little advice: to avoid purchasing fakes and counterfeits, it is recommended to buy coolant concentrate in specialized stores. Always pay special attention to the manufacturer's brand. Here are several manufacturing companies that produce high-quality products that contain additives that prevent the formation of steam moisture in the system:

  • Lukoil;
  • Hepu;
  • Febi;
  • Sintek, which belongs to the Obninskorgsintez concern;
  • Felix;
  • AWM.

The price of antifreeze concentrate depends on the manufacturer, the region of sale, the quality and volume. We must remember that quality goods are always more expensive. You should not skimp on quality; in any case, it will not be profitable, since you can lose a lot of money on expensive repairs.

  • Antifreeze plays an important role in the operation of essential vehicle systems.
  • Incorrect proportions when diluting the refrigerant with water can cause serious damage to parts and disrupt the integrity of the overall operational system of the internal combustion engine.
  • To dilute the concentrate, only distilled water is used, since it does not leave suspensions or sediments, which over time can cause blocking of engine parts and working units.

What should you use to dilute the liquid?

There are two types of antifreeze sold in stores: diluted and in the form of a concentrate. The concentrate contains ethylene glycol, which freezes at a temperature of -13, so it is strictly forbidden to fill in undiluted coolant. Remember that antifreeze concentrate can only be diluted with distilled water, otherwise you will have many problems due to which the engine of your car will not receive the necessary protection and will break down.

Do not dilute with tap water, because it may contain various trace elements that, if they get into the cooler, will cause your car’s engine to corrode very quickly or may ruin its operation. There is no need to mix antifreeze concentrate of different brands and different colors


If you still decide to change the cooler class from one to another, then you will need to thoroughly rinse the radiator. Dilute the antifreeze concentrate with distilled water in the correct proportions and pour it into the cooling system through the radiator or expansion tank.

Features of concentrated antifreeze

Antifreeze should not be diluted with tap water, as it contains various impurities that can clog the engine.

The main component of antifreeze is ethylene glycol. Concentrates consist of 95–97% of this substance!, the remaining 3–5%! is distilled water and additives. This product cannot be used in its pure form.

The freezing point of a liquid depends precisely on the amount of ethylene glycol in the composition. It would be logical to assume that the higher the concentration, the lower the temperature, but this is not true. The minimum freezing point of a liquid is -68 C° and is reached when the antifreeze contains 66% ethylene glycol. If the composition is more concentrated, the freezing point increases. Thus, 95%! of the concentrate freezes already at -27 C°, and 97%! – at -22 C°.

Using undiluted product is not advisable, since the air is cooled to -68 C° only in some areas of the Arctic, and therefore, in order to save money, antifreeze can be diluted with distilled water.

Percentage ratio when diluting liquid with distilled water

If you need to properly dilute antifreeze concentrate, then you should completely read the instructions, which are usually included with the packaging by manufacturers. In no case do not pour more water than necessary, because then the cooler will lose its properties. Don't forget about the climate conditions in which you live.

The table shows how to dilute antifreeze concentrate:

Water percentage Concentrate percentage Freezing threshold Boiling threshold
87,5% 12,5% -7 100
75% 25% -15 100
50% 50% -40; -45 +130; +140
40% 60% -50; -60 +150; +160
25% 75% -70 +170

Don't forget to take care of your car, because in winter it especially needs protection due to the drop in temperature. If you take into account all the recommendations about the method of using coolant and carefully read the label on the package, you will save yourself from constant major repairs of the car.

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How to detect counterfeit?

Original Toyota antifreeze is quite expensive. Therefore, there will always be people who want to make a fake. First of all, the place of purchase is important.

In addition, the quality of the container is immediately noticeable. And the last argument is the label on the back.

A whole book, published in 30 languages ​​(including Russian), is glued to the branded canister. Of course, a fake doesn’t have this luxury.

Review of liter and five-liter antifreeze canisters Toyota Super Long Life coolant - video

Part 2. What is poured into the canister - glycerin or ethylene glycol?

Let's move on to desk testing. For this purpose, eight antifreezes from different manufacturers were purchased. The products were purchased at Minsk gas stations and shopping centers at different prices.

First, we take Russian-made coolant (one of the leading oil companies). This is the cheapest of the presented samples - the canister costs 25,300 rubles. We look at the jar with some skepticism: minus 40 degrees, G12. Sounds solid! But what will the study show? Let’s make a reservation right away: we will measure only three parameters out of more than ten that are taken into account in laboratory conditions during a full examination. But these are key indicators that give an idea of ​​the quality of the coolant.

“External parameters are also important,” Zivile Dumčuvienė pours yellow antifreeze into the flask, which literally luminesces in the light. — It should be transparent, without sediment or bubbles. Like water, only colored. If the coolant is cloudy, it means the raw materials are of poor quality, there are not the best additives or bad glycerin. It can be assumed that the anti-corrosion inhibitors are not working. This means that nothing stops rust, and over time a “breakdown” will inevitably appear in the radiator.

First, use a hydrometer to check the density. This will help you decide on the key question of what antifreeze contains - glycerin or ethylene glycol. Remember, the first increases viscosity, causing the coolant to become denser?

The device “dives” into the flask and after a few seconds freezes on o. "Not bad. The Belarusian GOST allows for a range from 1.065 to 1.085,” notes the specialist.

Then we measure the freezing temperature using the refractometer we are already familiar with - minus 37 degrees! Real too.

The third indicator is the ph level. It should be from 7.5 to 11. Russian antifreeze has 8.1.

The expert’s conclusion was: “It is obvious that ethylene glycol is present in the liquid. The actual freezing temperature is minus 35-37 degrees, although the can says minus 40. Overall, very, very good.”

The second to be examined is antifreeze with an environmentally friendly name (manufactured in Belarus). The packaging says G11. Price - 29,900.

- So much color! — sends blue liquid into the flask Zivile Dumchuvene.

You can immediately see that the liquid is thick. This is not very good, contrary to popular belief. This means that there is glycerin in antifreeze.

- Ooo! - the expert stretches out his lips when he sees the hydrometer reading - 1.126. This doesn't fit the standard! - That's why there's so much paint! It was as if they were trying to hide something behind the color.

The refractometer, meanwhile, shows minus 39 degrees, and the ph level is 8.1.

- Glycerin is clearly used here, although it should not be in G11! - the specialist determines. — But additives, judging by the ph level, are also present. It can freeze at minus 27-30 degrees.

The third one to be tested was a Russian antifreeze with a very harsh name (cost: 26,200). If you believe the inscriptions on the can, at minus 40 degrees it does not freeze, at plus 120 it does not boil (although the standard boiling point for antifreeze is plus 107-109), G11. It looks liquid and transparent. Green color. Nothing suspicious, although the reviews about it on the forums are not the best.

— Density — 1.083. “It barely meets the requirements of the standard,” Zivile Dumčuvienė announces the first result. — The refractometer shows that the freezing temperature is minus 34, that is, already lower than on the label. Ph - 8.4.

There are reasons for mistrust, but everything is not so sad. However, let's better listen to the expert: “The question is only about freezing. Deviation is allowed by 1.5 degrees from the stated one. There is ethylene glycol in the liquid, but if it were only there, the density would be 1.065 or slightly higher. This means there is something else: an additive or glycerin.”

The fourth antifreeze is another “Russian” product worth 34,200. As stated on the company’s website, it can be used in any car, in any climatic conditions. The label echoes: “Freezing point - minus 45 degrees.” Wow, what a request!

The manufacturer's ardor is cooled by a test: the refractometer shows minus 40, density - 1.086, ph - 8.6. All three indicators are generally decent.

Expert comment: “The freezing temperature is definitely not minus 45, but about minus 40. It contains ethylene glycol. Not a bad product, but there's a bit of marketing."

The fifth can (costs 31 thousand) contains Belarusian-made antifreeze. The canister indicates a seemingly honest temperature - minus 35 degrees. The liquid is pinkish with a purple tint. There is a small, barely noticeable sediment.

The results of the study are as follows: density - 1.067, freezing point - minus 32.5 degrees, ph - 9.1. The liquid met the standards.

The sixth coolant to be tested was also Belarusian-made antifreeze (price: 26,700). Blue, transparent. The manufacturer assures on the packaging that 100% quality, G12 and minus 40 degrees!

The hydrometer readily dives into the liquid. Density - 1.16. Ph - 8.0, refractometer shows minus 44 degrees.

“Density and other parameters indicate that this liquid will freeze at minus 30-32,” concludes Zivile Dumchuvene.

The Lithuanian specialist took the seventh sample with special feeling. After all, the manufacturer is from her home country. This is one of the most expensive antifreezes - a can costs 45 thousand. The canister modestly states minus 35 degrees. Let's see what the green challenger is capable of...

“So, the density is 1.071,” says Zivile Dumčuvene. — The freezing temperature is minus 34. But the ph is high — 9.9.

This is somewhat different from previous results. What will the comment be like?

“Everything is normal,” the expert seems satisfied. — A high pH level indicates the presence of additives. Ethylene glycol is used here, no glycerin.

The eighth was a concentrate from distant Great Britain. It is also the most expensive - 116 thousand per canister (even if divided by two, it will be more expensive than in the case of the other subjects). Our specialist shrugged: you pay not only for quality, but also for the brand, these are the laws of the market.

- I want to protect you from mistakes. Some car owners pour the concentrate into the radiator without diluting it. This is wrong, warns Zivile Dumčuvienė. — Doesn’t mean it won’t freeze at minus 70 degrees. On the contrary, it will most likely harden at minus 12. When diluting the concentrate, be sure to use distilled water. If you dilute it with regular one, the anti-corrosion inhibitors will first begin to clean it and only then the system itself.

A characteristic point was revealed by the study: just like the previous sample, the high pH is 9.3. Density - 1.075, freezing point - minus 36. Very similar result.

“High-quality additives are also used here,” the expert sums up. - Therefore, the pH is high and the density is average. The information on the packaging is accurate.

* * *

When we pick up a can of antifreeze, we only see the packaging. You can write whatever you want on the label. And it is extremely difficult for an ordinary driver to check technical fluid. Price, as our research shows, does not mean anything. The cheapest antifreeze is among the top three. At the same time, there is one pattern: the more beautiful promises there are on the bank, the more careful you need to be. Good manufacturers are usually honest with the numbers and don't show off.

Author: Andrey Zhurov. Photo: Anna Ivanova, Vlad Borisevich, Auto.onliner.by

How to spot a fake

Original antifreezes suitable for a specific car brand are not counterfeited as often as universal ones, but the possibility of counterfeiting cannot be completely ruled out. Which Toyota antifreeze is original and which is not? Counterfeit is determined by the following criteria:

  • defects in the seam area of ​​the canister;
  • a cover that does not fit tightly to the ring, the presence of chips, scratches and other signs of tampering along its edges;
  • unevenly glued labels, the presence of traces of glue, folds and bubbles on them;
  • the information on the packaging is false or contains errors;
  • the text is blurry, there are uneven lines;
  • The release and bottling date is difficult to read.

If the appearance of the canister is in doubt, then it is better to refuse to purchase antifreeze and its subsequent use.

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