Why won't my Toyota Corolla start? (solved) - 8 answers

Known for their highest quality, Japanese Corolla cars rarely let their owners down - this is facilitated by the perfection of the design and the flawless operation of all traffic support systems. Toyota Corolla is a model that is extremely popular among consumers. Over almost 50 years of production, 12 generations of cars of this brand have changed.

However, there are a number of objective and subjective circumstances that can significantly affect the performance characteristics of any car, even the most technically advanced. The main ones include:

  • working and storage conditions of the vehicle;
  • compliance with recommended operating and maintenance parameters;
  • quality indicators of the fuels and lubricants used;
  • service life, etc.

The result of the impact of these factors is the deterioration of the technical condition of the vehicle and, as a consequence, the possibility of failure of its functional systems.

Why won't my Toyota Corolla start? (solved) - 8 answers

So, we have looked at all the main reasons and ways to revive your car in winter.

Corolla Toyota

Another 5 kopecks from yourself - keep the receipt after refueling. If one of the wires looks questionable, you will have to ring it using a tester or tester. You should go back to the very first option and just buy a new battery.

Toyota Corolla Club Russia > New Corolla - Technical Forum > Operation > Engine and…

More favorable - there is a spark. We will now advise you on everything up to a cold start, but that may cost a penny. In this case, your car simply won’t start - the service station will be able to help.

The machine must work, no matter what changes there are in the yard. Inspect the so-called “runner”. For example, on bodies one year and older, a frequent problem is a malfunction of the fuel pump or spark plugs.

Fill in more of the proven gasoline. If you filled it from a canister, then there is a high probability of pouring dirt and water into the tank.

Rare malfunctions

Sometimes the question of why the engine does not start does not find an answer even after checking all the previous fault options. In such cases, the problem may relate to the wear of a part such as the flywheel crown. It has teeth on its surface that engage with other mechanisms. It is they who can become the cause of the “disease” in question.

If the teeth wear out, repairs will be very difficult and expensive, but it is still possible to repair the machine. Experienced drivers can do this themselves, while amateurs are better off towing the car to a service station.

Some premium versions of the Toyota Corolla are equipped with a push-button engine start. Its breakdown also leads to the fact that the car can stall at any time. In this case, you need to disconnect the relay with the block that interacts with the button, and then return the ignition from the key.

Reasons why a car does not want to start

Before looking at different ways to solve one problem, it is worth talking about what are the reasons why your car won't start. In fact, there are only 5 main problems:

  1. Bad oil;
  2. Weak battery;
  3. Faulty starter;
  4. Poor ignition system settings or damaged spark plugs;
  5. Bad fuel or its supply system is broken.

Oil problems

Let's look at each reason separately. Bad oil. Almost any warrior can independently check the consistency of the oil. We just need to pull out the dipstick and take a look. As a rule, this reason occurs after the car has been left overnight at a temperature of -15 degrees. Every driver should remember one simple rule - you should not drive in winter with summer oil or oil with an expired expiration date. By buying cheap oil, you complicate your life and also take away the service life of your car’s power unit.

There is a solution to the problem, or rather there are two of them. The first solution involves placing the car in a warm garage to warm it up - within 24 hours the oil will warm up and become the same. After this happens, the oil should be changed to winter or better quality, preferably designed for severe frosts. The second method is suitable for those for whom changing the oil is a very big problem. After you have parked your car, you should pour -100-150 milliliters of gasoline into the crankcase, which will prevent the oil from thickening overnight, and with the first start of the engine and the oil flowing through the system, it will evaporate without leaving a trace - this procedure should be repeated before every frosty season. at night. This is a must if you want to start your car in the morning and drive it away.

Weak battery

If everything is fine with the oil, you should check the battery. It is worth noting that if your battery is more than three years old, it should be replaced immediately. It is advisable to do this better before winter, while there are no severe frosts yet. The best option would be to buy a maintenance-free battery, which has significantly better qualities in relation to a collapsible one.

If your battery is less than three years old, the reason may be related to the terminals or to its discharge in the cold. In the first case, we need to remove the terminals and clean them well, then put them back on, tighten them well and try to start the Toyota again. If this option does not help, the battery should be charged. We take it off and take it for charging. Charging is carried out within 6-7 hours. If the problem is not resolved after charging, the battery has reached a deep discharge and cannot be restored. You should go back to the very first option and just buy a new battery.

Poor starter performance

If everything is in order with the oil and battery, then the problem is in the starter. It is very easy to identify problems with the starter; as a rule, if it is faulty, the wires coming from the battery will become very hot - this may be due to various reasons, one of them is a short circuit of the starter. To solve this problem, it is best to contact a service station, where they will inspect and repair you. If repair is impossible, you will have to replace the entire starter, and this will cost you a pretty penny. Independent inspection and repair is only possible if you are very well versed in the operation of this mechanism.

Ignition fault

If all previous attempts to restore engine performance have not been successful, you should pay attention to the ignition system and the suitability of the spark plugs. If the shaft spins well and there is at least one pop when turning it, then this means one thing - a faulty spark plug. This problem can be corrected - you should clean the spark plugs and try to start the car again. But this option is suitable only for those cases when the spark plugs are new; if they have served their mileage, they should be replaced with new ones. Before installing new spark plugs, you should adjust the electrode gaps - this is very important! If repairing the spark plugs did not help you, it is best to check everything else at a service center, since the ignition system is complex and its repair requires special skills that only specialists have.

Poor fuel quality

Bad fuel is the worst enemy of any motorist, especially in winter. In winter, you should only refuel at trusted gas stations, as others may dilute gasoline with water or gasoline, but with a lower octane number. If there is water in gasoline, this is a problem. The fact is that it condenses very well and during frosts it can create a plug in the fuel system - there is only one solution to warm up your car in a warm garage, preferably by additionally warming up your car inside and out.

If, after warming up the car, the car still does not start, you should add higher quality gasoline, thereby increasing the octane number. Here the whole point may be the poor flammability of gasoline, which, when entering the cylinder, does not evaporate sufficiently and does not react to the spark plugs.

So, we have looked at all the main reasons and ways to revive your car in winter. If none of the options help you start your car, you should contact a diagnostic center and have your car fully checked.

How to open a car without a key yourself

You can open the vehicle without a key through the trunk. This is the simplest method that will not cause any trouble in the future. The procedure is:

  • Bend the trunk slightly.
  • Engage the latch and open.
  • Remove the trim, rear panel and seat.
  • Carefully pry the rear headrest latches, remove them and place the seats forward.

Now the car owner will be able to get inside the car to open the doors and pick up his keys that he left there.

If this method is not suitable, then there are some others. They are described in the following blocks.

By delivery to a service station by tow truck

The car owner will need to call a lift and take the Toyota to the service center on it. This procedure is done if the battery is completely discharged and the electronics do not work. Accordingly, the car owner will not be able to open the car without a key.

  • The car will be mounted on a special stand.
  • The lower protection will be removed.
  • Open the hood using special tools.
  • Charge the battery.

The car owner will be able to use the car again. Only now he will need to replace the entire battery. Since, if the battery dies once, then it is quite possible that it is faulty.

does not start

drove all day, stopped, went to the store. After 5 minutes it won't start. The starter turns properly, but doesn't even engage. The alarm also does not start automatically. There was no way to check for a spark alone.

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