How to choose a knitting machine? We buy second hand. The seller doesn’t know how to work on it, and neither do you..

It is not always possible to buy a new imported knitting machine. Its price, especially for a double-font knitting machine, is quite high and therefore we have to consider the option of buying the machine “by hand”. There are quite a lot of advertisements for the sale of such knitting machines, but they are often sold without an instruction manual. In this article we offer brief instructions for the Toyota KS-858 knitting machine produced in Japan.

Video of the formation of the initial row on knitting machines. The most common method is to manually wrap the needles with yarn.

Toyota KS-858 - a simple, convenient and trouble-free knitting machine

The Toyota KS-858 knitting machine is a fairly popular model of Japanese knitting machines that appeared in our country in the early 80s. From our own experience, we can note that the Toyota KS-858 is a simple, convenient and trouble-free knitting machine and stands out noticeably among the models of inexpensive single-piece imported machines.

The Toyota KS-858 manual single-flow knitting machine, like other models of knitting machines, consists of a needle bar and a carriage with a block of thread guides. One of its important differences is the presence of an openwork carriage and, of course, a device for working with punched cards. The needle bar has 200 grooves in which the reed needles move. On the left and right sides of the needle bar are the letters A, B, D, E, indicating the position of the needles.

A - rear non-working position (RPP). B — main working position (RP). D - working position of selected needles (RP). E - front non-working position (FNP)

On the left side of the needle bar, in a special groove, there is a selector lever 13, which serves to select needles when knitting patterned weaves using a punched card or a push-button needle selection mechanism. By the way, this is another difference between this machine.

How to choose a knitting machine? We buy second hand. The seller doesn’t know how to work on it, and neither do you..

I really love it when people join the ranks of people who are passionate about machine knitting!!!!

From time to time I come across the question: “How to inspect a car before buying it first-hand if neither the seller nor the buyer knows how to work on it?”

I hope that this, so to speak, “master class” will help you!

I’ll tell you using the example of a car I have: Toyota KS858

I'll start with the Toyota 858. These are Japanese knitting machines, long out of production.

All you can find on the secondary market are used cars, or new ones that have been lying in attics for 20 years.

So, you are going to look at the car.

The first thing you need to do as part of this is find out when the machine was last knitted. If it’s more than 2 years ago, then we go to a store like “Sewing World” (or any other store that sells knitting equipment) and buy a clamping bar for the back font of a Silver Reed knitting machine.

It looks like this:

This is not a new bar)))) I’m already using it. The new one is even better!

Why do we need this? Since the car had not been used for a long time, its original strip had shriveled and flattened. You will not be able to test the knitting ability of the machine without a normal bar.

There are two strips in the photo: look at the thickness of the foam layer on each one.

The pressure bar costs about 900 rubles. And don’t forget to then ask for a discount in the amount of these 900 rubles.))))

The bar from the Silver car is a little longer than the original Toyota one, but it doesn’t matter. The only thing is that before packing the car into the case, the bar will have to be removed.

Inspection of the appearance of the machine.

Toyota is packed in a metal case. So I dragged my Toyota into the kitchen:

Here, look visually: are there any dents, scratches, or rust. If the car was stored normally, then none of this should happen.

This is my car)))) Heavy knitting loads fell on the case a couple of times.

Let's open the case. We turn the car “facing” towards us))))

We look at the case for cracks and scratches.

The presence of cracks on the case did not bother me much. The bolts were overtightened during assembly.

By the way, the yellowness of the body is also insignificant. She says that the car was left in the sun for a long time. I got my machine new, so its body is white.

Pincushion. We bend down so that our eyes are at the level of the pincushion and look here:

If we see a “path”, the car has definitely been used. Please note if before this the seller told you that the car is new! The path can also be seen in the back photo.

There shouldn't be any scratches! The metal on the Toyota pincushion is quite durable. Scratches on it do not form immediately (this is not Silver)))). If they are, the car is simply worn out....

Whole pincushion:

We inspect the entire needle bed for the presence of all needles. There should be 200 of them.

To do this, it is better to move the needles forward. And in order to push them out, it is advisable to pick up a selected comb. This thing is located along with other tools for work in Toyota's secret glove compartment:

I bought my car thanks to the fact that the buyer in front of me was not very literate (like the seller). Both of them could not find the tools that are in this very glove compartment))))). The buyer eventually left to think. And I didn’t think anymore))))

We take everything out of the glove compartment onto the table. We look at it, we count... In the photo below, the only thing missing is a bottle of oil. New cars come with it. Used cars may not have it. It's no problem.

Look on the right - a choice comb!

More small things from the glove compartment:

There is an important point: we change the bar before starting to move the needles back and forth.

To remove the old bar , you need to push its tail (which sticks out on both sides of the machine) inside, and then put a pencil in there, rest it against the bar and push it out.

On the other side of the pincushion there is a strip sticking out:

Let's take it out...

The needles then lift their “muzzles” up))))))

We set the bar. We take a new bar and a selected comb. We insert the bar into the socket, but do not push it through! First, we put a selected comb on the needles and press them down. Then we push the bar a little. She should lie on top of the needles and press them!!! If the bar begins to rest against something, then it’s time to press the next group of needles with a comb. And so on until the end. Until the tail of the bar appears on the other side of the needle bar.


Checking the needles.

Tex... We replaced the clamping bar with shaking hands. Now take the comb again and carefully push all the needles forward.

The needles should be at the same level and at the same distance from each other. There shouldn't be any bent ones! Or ask for a discount!)))) You can simply get needles for Toyota, but not on every corner. The needles usually come out easily. Easily. On my old Silver the needles come out with more difficulty than on the Toyota))))

Carriage. The main carriage (the set should also include an openwork one, more on that later)

Unscrew the right screw and remove the carriage lock:

Remove the carriage from the needle bed. To do this, simply move it to the right. Hold the carriage firmly by the handle so that it does not fall when it comes off the rail!

We inspect the body. We turn it over and inspect the metal parts. The more worn out they are, the longer the car has been in operation. But for Toyota this is not very scary! This is again a way to check the seller’s cleanliness. The main thing is no nicks, no large scratches, no bent parts! Mentally draw a line through the center and look - all the parts should be symmetrical.

Even and smooth surfaces of the parts indicate the good condition of the carriage. I humbly hope that my carriage is an example of this))))

It remains to check for the following things in the case lid:

1. Usov (bent pieces of iron)

2. Carriage arms (piece of iron with wheels)

3. Thread guide (iron rod with a mustache)

4. Pull comb.

The pull comb is hidden on the inside of the lid, opposite the locks.

If we have everything in stock, we are happy and check the availability of the openwork carriage, instructions (preferably in Russian) and punched cards.

I'll show you the openwork:

And I lost the punched cards with instructions (((((Sheets with holes are punched cards. If they are there, you can’t go wrong))))

Hooray! External inspection of the car is completed!!!!

Toyota KS 858 is an integral part of a two-wheel drive car

Together with the additional attachment Toyota KR 506, the Toyota KS 858 knitting machine can be used as part of a two-fold machine. In the front part of the main needle bar there are grooves and holes for attaching an additional (elastic) needle bar. On the upper surface of the needle bar there are guides (rails) for moving the carriage. On the left side there is a punched card feeding mechanism that reads information from the punched card. The punch card holes determine which needles will be used. Most often, punched cards are used for knitting colored patterns and pressed patterned weaves. A set of punched cards is included with the machine. Each horizontal line of the punch card controls a group of 12 needles, which means the pattern is repeated across 12 needles. On the right side of the case there is a pencil case for accessories and tools. In the middle of the body there is a counter for rows of knitted fabric. To the left of the counter in the case there is a hole for installing a stand for the thread feed system.


  1. Class - 5th (read more about the classes of knitting machines here);
  2. Number of needles - 200 pcs.;
  3. Number of punched cards - 20 pcs.;
  4. Weaves - stockinette, openwork, press, slip, weaving;
  5. Accessories - selector lever, deckers, comb, weights, clamps, needles, paraffin, oil.

Among foreign knitting machines, such as Veritas 360, Silver Reed or Brother, Toyota is perhaps the most intuitive to operate - by and large, you can figure it out without instructions (which, of course, came with each new model).

The device can be used as one of two components of a two-font machine. The design includes grooves in the front part of the needle bed. In addition, there are additional holes where elastic needle beds are attached.

The machine is equipped with an automatic needle selection mechanism. It allows you to create multi-colored patterns with minimal investment of the worker’s own effort. The pattern is encoded in a punched card, according to which needles are selected at the right time.

Full set

Toyota KS-858 knitting machine has devices for punched cards

The presence of a special device in the design of the Toyota KS 858 knitting machine allows automatic selection of needles when knitting colored, pressed and lace fabrics. Automatic selection of needles to position D (PRP) is carried out using a selection (selector) lever in accordance with the pattern encoded in the punched card or typed with buttons. As mentioned above, one of the advantages of a knitting machine is the presence of a push-button control for needle selection. This device allows you to make simple drawings without a punched card. It is convenient to use when preparing sample designs and making adjustments to the design before transferring the pattern onto a punched card.

Typically, the Toyota KS-858 knitting machine comes with a set of punched cards with patterns. But, if you need to make a different pattern, then holes are punched on a “clean” punched card with a special punch, repeating the pattern of the design you need. The design of the selection device allows you to create multi-color, press and lace weave patterns across the entire width of the needle bed with a pattern pattern (rapport) that is a multiple of 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12 needles.

Features of knitting on Toyota

  • The machine is equipped with an automatic thread feed system. This mechanism allows you to regulate the thread tension, which helps maintain a uniform shape for the entire fabric. The loops are of the same size, which holds the product together, giving it strength.
  • Thanks to the bright minds of Japanese development engineers, you have the opportunity to create unique weaves. In the “Plain” mode, stocking knitting is possible, which is created by a smooth weave. Knitting of threads of different colors occurs in a separate loop row. You can create a similar pattern in the “Color” mode
  • If you need to create a wide canvas, you have the opportunity to install side guides. The carriage of the machine carries out the necessary movement of the needles in a trajectory that allows for a complete loop formation process.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Easy to use;
  2. The model is semi-automatic, which allows even inexperienced beginners to understand the knitting process;
  3. The mechanism allows you to increase the knitting speed by 2-3 times compared to domestic analogues.
  4. The products are highly durable. The loops do not stretch and the threads do not break. This allows you to maintain the shape of any knitted item.


  1. The cost compared to domestic analogues is up to 40,000 rubles per copy in excellent quality. For comparison, a perfectly preserved Neva-5 will cost a maximum of 8-10 thousand;
  2. In the event of a breakdown, it is problematic to purchase additional spare parts due to the lack of suppliers in Russia.

Operating instructions for knitting machine Toyota KS-858

Knitting of various patterns, repair, installation. Open the file - Instruktsiya-k-Toyota-ks858.pdf.

Automatic raising of needle tongues

Two magnets on the edge of the carriage are used to open the needle tabs when moving. Lever 9 is designed to remove the carriage from the needle bar in emergency situations. When lever 9 is moved to the “R” position, you can remove the carriage from the needle bar without “throwing off” the fabric from the needles. Using screws 7, a block of thread guides - 3 is attached to the base of the carriage. The thread guide is designed to supply thread to the needles and has two eyes for threading the main thread and an additional one. The latch ensures that the thread that is not currently being used is caught. In the center of the carriage there is a tension disk that allows you to set the knitting density (loop length) depending on the thickness of the yarn. The length of the loop is determined using a test sample. Approximately, the following densities can be applied to 32/2 yarn with a smooth weave: in 2 threads - 0-2; in 3 threads - 3-5; in 4 threads - 4-6; in 5 threads - 5-7; in 6 threads - 6-8; in 8 threads - 8-10.

Toyota 858 knitting machine reviews

I've been knitting like this for several years. What kind of question?

Oh, how good! The fact is that I’m new to this business :) I need a master class from the basics.

Do you have free time? We'll bring it, we'll take it away without any problems. I'll thank you! :))) Or maybe you still have training discs, books on this machine, I can buy it if you sell it. Here's my number 89246630958. Or leave yours, I'll call you. Thanks in advance! :))

Well..with a master class it’s unlikely to happen in the near future. months (on maternity leave)

Are you a complete beginner or do you know how to knit? I advise you to buy thin yarn (ideally for machine knitting) and start according to the instructions. There is nothing complicated, this machine is not harmful, it does not tear or loosen the hinges. The main thing here is technology. First, we knit a sample, wash and steam, calculate the loops according to the pattern, and only then the product itself, because depending on the type of knitting, after washing and steaming the fabric changes shape unpredictably. When knitting, the main thing is to move the carriage smoothly and remember that there must be a load hanging on each section of the fabric (i.e., the entire fabric must be tensioned), otherwise the loops will slip or not knit. The answers to all the questions are here: If problems suddenly arise, write, I’ll try to help. Only this machine is the most harmless, I’ve been knitting on Toyotas since I was 14 (before that on the Neva)

Thank you very much!:)

I'll try :) I know how to knit with knitting needles, but I knit slowly, so it takes a long time :) So I decided to buy a machine. I was even lucky - I bought a two-font, but I won't attach a second font yet, I'd like to learn on one :) In the instructions, to be honest , not everything is clear, my husband and I are racking our brains over it :))) But I hope it will work out, it’s very interesting :) Please leave your contacts: email, phone, or maybe we can contact you on social networks (contact, classmates). I will be very glad to chat :)))

Can I go here, I'll get it

It is more difficult to knit on a two-piece pattern because when knitting complex patterns, when lowering stitches and other emergency situations, it is more difficult to immediately find your bearings. It’s better to really start on a single-circuit

At the end of December I bought a Brother 893/850 double-font knitting machine. The machine came with instructions and disks. I learned from CDs. I knitted a stole and bactus, and yesterday I started knitting a hat and got stuck. I'll try today. there is a lot of information on the internet. We need to install a second font and work. I wish you good luck in mastering the machine.

Could you share the disks: copy them to a disc or a flash drive? The operating principle is probably the same? And if it’s not a secret, where did you buy Brother, and for how much?

Sorry, I've been gone for a long time. light, you still need wheels. I can copy it. Leave your contact information (email)

Oh, I also need these discs PLEASE [email protected]

selual, a lot of time has passed, I found your correspondence, can you email me the disks, I will be very grateful.

Is it possible for me to ask for disks to the address?

It would be great to somehow cooperate and share experience) I have a silver reed LK-150, I also bought it not so long ago, in general I figured out how to knit, but I would like to know some tricks))) I would be glad if someone from a craftsman organized MK)


Carriage of knitting machine Toyota KS 858

The brushes installed on the switch are designed to produce weft weaves and can occupy two positions: (“+”) weft weaves and (“-“) other types of weaves. Brushes are used for uniform pulling and forming loops. There are holes in the carriage cover on the right and left for installing the row counter lever.

1.grooves for the row counter lever. 2.partial weave levers. 3.web presser. 4. “weaving” lever. 5. thread guide. 6.small wing screws. 7.thumb screws. 8. thread guide for “weaving”. 9.lever for turning on the carriage. 10.carriage handle. 11.patterned disk. 12.tension disk. 13.adjustment marks for plating.

Yarn feeding system of knitting machine

The yarn feed system of a knitting machine is used to feed the yarn from the skein to the yarn guide and create optimal yarn tension. The yarn supply system is necessary to compensate (pull up) the extra piece of thread that is formed when the direction of movement of the carriage changes. The thread supply system consists of the following parts: stand; thread tension adjustment device; compensating springs; brackets with guide eyes; thread lock; bracket.

The stand is installed in a hole on the body of the knitting machine. A bracket with eyes and a thread lock is attached to the stand. A bracket is installed on the upper end of the rack, on which are mounted: a thread tension adjustment device, two compensating springs, and a bracket with guide eyes. The thread tension adjustment device has two brake discs and a pin. The higher the number is set opposite the pointer, the tighter the thread is clamped between the plates. The thread tension is considered to be set correctly if, when the compensating springs are lowered down and the thread is released, the compensating spring slowly rises up without jerking. The machine is secured to the work table using two clamps, which are inserted into grooves located in the lower part of the machine body.

Weaves made on a knitting machine

1. Plain weave (hosiery knitting). Performed when the pattern dial is set to PLAIN. 2. Weaving of two or more threads of different colors in one loop row. COLOR dial position. 3. Press weave. Disc position TUCK. 4. Weaving with yarn transfer without laying it on needles in a loop row (weaving with broaches). Dial position EMPTY. 5. Weaving with knitting another type of yarn (weaving knitting). Disc position PLAIN. WEAVIN (weft weave) levers move downwards. 6. Idling of the carriage (advancement of the carriage without knitting) is performed when the EMPTY disk is positioned in the direction of the arrow. 7. With the help of an auxiliary carriage, lace (lace) weaving is performed on the machine.

Needle withdrawal levers for partial knitting

On the carriage on the left and right there are levers for transferring needles from PNP to RP. Each lever has three positions. Position 0. The needles are moved from the front non-working position E (PNP) to the working position B (RP) by moving the carriage towards the installed lever. Position 1. Needles installed in position E, when the carriage moves, remain in position E. Position 2. Needles, set by the selection (selector) lever in position D, when the carriage moves towards the installed lever, move to position E (PNP) and remain so until one of the levers is moved to position 0.

Side guides are used for knitting wide fabrics.

On the side surfaces of the body there are holes for installing additional guides used when knitting fabrics of maximum width. Between the knocking teeth and the surface of the needle bar there is a removable scale with a digital designation of needles (every 10). The carriage of the Toyota KS 858 knitting machine ensures that the needles move along the trajectory necessary for the looping process. On the upper part of the carriage there are installed: a pattern formation mechanism; knitting density regulator; lever clamps; screws for strengthening the thread guide block; levers for disconnecting the carriage from the needle bar guides; carriage movement handle. All mechanisms are closed with a lid, on the upper surface of which are marked the positions of the pattern formation mechanism, levers, and trays for plating.

Double-font knitting machine A double-font knitting machine is the dream of everyone for whom knitting on a machine is not only a hobby, but a way to earn money. The use of two fonturas, or essentially two separate machines, expands the possibilities of knitting endlessly. The only limitation is your imagination.

Repairing a knitting machine with your own hands Repairing a knitting machine is a difficult task and only an experienced craftsman can do it. But it’s good if you live in Moscow or another large city where there are masters who repair knitting machines, but what if you can’t find such a master in your city?

Knitting machine Neva-5 So, if the front levers, on the contrary, are turned back (away from themselves), then the knitting machine does not knit the needles located in the PNP. That is, turn on the lever on the side where the carriage will move, and bring some of the needles forward until they stop, and these needles will not knit a row, but instead, broaches will form on them, but will not be dropped by loops.

Severyanka knitting machine The main weaves performed by the Severyanka knitting machine are stockinette stitch or one-sided weave. The front loops are visible on one side of the fabric, and the purl loops on the other. The stockinette has less extensibility and greater ability to curl.

Toyota 858 knitting machine reviews

Girls, I have a question. There is an opportunity to buy this particular machine used. It's semi-automatic. I don't quite understand how. Do I need to type each rapport manually in accordance with a punched card or what? How long is it?

Girls, I have a question. There is an opportunity to buy this particular machine used. It's semi-automatic. I don't quite understand how. Do I need to type each rapport manually in accordance with a punched card or what? How long is it?

You insert the punched card into the device, there is a lever on the left, turn the lever, the needles are selected in accordance with the punched card and knit. Everything is very fast. It's a pity I found this topic late, probably no one is interested. I've had a Toyota for 3 years now. I'm quite happy.

Nedda, thank you very much! In principle, as far as I know, the machine has not been sold yet. Only now the question is price and craftsman. The seller does not want to do pre-sale preparation. Those. buying a “pig in a poke”. She hasn't knitted for five years. So I refused for now. But in principle I feel the need for such a machine.
I don’t have much free time, and I just came to the forum. I don’t know what quality of car they are offering you. In May 2004, I bought a Toyota single-handed for 5,000 rubles. And for another 500 rubles a second fontura, but it didn’t match mine. The owner herself said that the fontura is from another car, and she’s just selling it like that. Since then, although I knit quite actively on it, I only changed 4 needles in the machine, broken by the openwork carriage, it deforms them very much. But these are minor things. There are topics on Osinka that talk about machine repair and maintenance. You can find on the Internet how to choose a used machine. I myself want to take either a second Fontur or a second two-Fontura Toyota, leaving it for spare parts. In principle, Toyotas are Japanese and of good quality. We don’t have any mechanics in our city, but I’m not discouraged and so far I’m happy with my Toyota. Well, whether to buy or not is up to each individual to decide. Good luck.
Girls, I want to know your opinion. There is an opportunity to buy a new Toyota KS 858. It has been in the package for a long time, no one has used it. I myself have never knitted on a machine before, I want to learn, I have a general idea. I'm going to knit for my family. I don’t know how to deal with spare parts and repairs. Do they break often? In addition, I would like to know what is included in the mandatory kit, and what you cannot do without. Maybe someone has instructions for such a machine, or know where to get it, preferably in Russian. Before purchasing, I would like to know more about the capabilities of this machine and the knitting process itself.
How much does Toyota cost now?
The biggest advantage today is that Toyota is native to Japan, and Silver is now in China.

And what's the difference? Is it that you can buy all sorts of additional parts for a Silver, but not for a Toyota?

I got a brand new Toyota knitting machine made in Japan, bought in the USSR in the 70s for 1500 rubles, huge money at that time :-) With punch cards :-) Do you think it might be of interest to someone , for me, definitely not :-) And is it possible to sell it and for how much, I would send the money to the owner. He needs them. If I wrote it in the wrong place, please move it :-)
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