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Official website of the Yandex Kassa payment system
Choosing a filter for Toyota Camry
Cabin filter for Toyota Camry
Which Toyota Camry filter is best? There are two types of air purifier: paper (material - paper) and carbon (additional component - activated carbon). The difference is that the second type has improved properties (CO blocking) and therefore its price is an order of magnitude higher. The paper cleaner, in turn, serves to protect the entry of small substances (dust and dirt) into the car interior.
Of course, all preferences are given to a carbon filter, wherever you are. Some manufacturers guarantee the blocking of bacteria and trace elements, as well as the elimination of unpleasant odors. But, if the question is about saving money, then you should leave your choice on paper. It is very important to have a filter element available, since not having one will negatively affect your health.
The manufacturer Toyota cares about its cars, so it produces a line of high-quality cabin filters. The original air purifier guarantees maximum absorption of negative substances. But the price of such a component can reach 4000-5000 thousand rubles. If the air filter is used correctly in urban conditions, it needs to be updated every 10-15 thousand. Therefore, if your budget is limited or you want to save money, it is better to use analogues.
Payment via Portmone
After selecting payment through Portmone, the payment system will launch, where you need to select the payment method: bank card or Portmone account.
The price in the Portmone payment system is converted into dollars at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the country where you are located.
If you have a bank card in a currency other than the dollar, then the money will be debited from the card at the rate of the Central Bank of your country at the time of the purchase.
After specifying payment details and confirming payment, payment for the goods will occur.
Official website of the Portmone payment system
Choosing a cabin filter
Confusion when choosing a filter is caused by the fact that even within the same model range, but in different years, different filter numbers may appear in catalogs. However, in practice they are of the same type, so to search for analogues you can safely use the number 87139-50060 or 87139-30070.
Moreover, depending on the number, the price of essentially the same filter can differ markedly, ranging from 1300 to 2300 rubles - but in any case, taking into account the frequency of replacement, this price cannot be called adequate. Therefore, analogues of the original filter deserve more attention:
- TSN 9.7.153,
- Filtron K 1210A,
- Sakura CAC-1114,
- MANN CUK 1919,
- Blue Print ADT32522,
- Mahle LAK 490,
- Fram CFA10322.
Payment via PayPal
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Official website of the PayPal payment system
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After specifying payment details and confirming payment, payment for the goods will occur.
Official website of the WebMoney payment system
Which filter to choose for Camry XV40, XV50
The engine volume does not affect the filter element in any way, so it is the same for both 2.4-liter and 3.5-liter engines. The original factory filter for the Camry XV40 is sold under article number 8713907010. You can also purchase a “cleaner” with activated carbon, which neutralizes odors along with dust and bacteria.
You can install it yourself, since the Camry XV40 manufacturer does not supply it with it.
Carbon original cabin filter
For the version in the 50 body, carbon and regular filter elements are also offered. The original cabin filter for the Camry XV50 can be found under article number 87139-50100. The “Cleaner” with the addition of carbon has catalog number 87139YZZ10.
For XV40 and XV50 you can choose:
- popular Russian TSN 9.7.97 produced by Citron or coal model TSN 9.7.153;
- German CU 1919 from MANN-FILTER and its carbon version CUK 1919;
- Polish regular K 1210 and carbon-coated K 1210A, produced by FILTRON.
When replacing the cabin air filter with a cheap substitute, you should remember that analogues do not have such a long service life, and some of them are distinguished by the presence of manufacturing defects. Therefore, when purchasing, you should carefully inspect the part, if possible, and in the future check the cleanliness of the element more often.
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Instructions for replacing the cabin filter on a Toyota Camry
The replacement procedure is simple enough to do it yourself and without additional tools.
First, we traditionally empty the glove compartment of its contents - it will have to be removed from the restraints by folding it down.
Next, we unhook the damper rod on the right, which limits the speed of opening the door - just squeeze the split lock with your fingers to move it to the right.
Then, by pressing on the sides of the glove compartment in the rear, we remove the limiters from the slots in the plastic. It is better not to let them come into contact with the cladding - noticeable scratches will remain. In cold weather, the interior needs to be heated well - the plastic will become softer and more pliable.
The cabin filter cover is clearly visible behind the folded-down glove compartment.
To remove the cover, simply press the side latches with your fingers.
Next, after removing the cover, we pull the cabin filter out, making sure not to spill excess debris into the air ducts below.
Insert the new filter with the arrow on the side down, then close the lid and return the glove compartment to its place.
Once a year, it makes sense to combine replacing the cabin filter with antibacterial treatment of the air conditioner evaporator.
Lifting the trim at the front passenger's feet, we find the air conditioning drain pipe.
Having pulled it out with the seal from the hole in the body, we insert the extension tube of the aerosol can with the cleaning agent into the drainage.
Having filled the volume of the box with the product, we quickly remove the cylinder tube from the drainage and return the drainage to its place so that the product, carrying with it the dirt, flows out of the body. At the same time, we switch the air conditioner to recirculation, directing the air flow at low fan speeds to the feet. Please note that the air flow will carry some of the product into your feet - the liquid will collect on the mats, so it is worth using suitable containers.
Problems when paying with bank cards
Sometimes difficulties may arise when paying with Visa/MasterCard bank cards. The most common of them:
- There is a restriction on the card for paying for online purchases
- A plastic card is not intended for making payments online.
- The plastic card is not activated for making payments online.
- There are not enough funds on the plastic card.
In order to solve these problems, you need to call or write to the technical support of the bank where you are served. Bank specialists will help you resolve them and make payments.
That's basically it. The entire process of paying for a book in PDF format on car repair on our website takes 1-2 minutes.
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How often should I replace it?
According to the maintenance schedule, maintenance is carried out every 10 thousand mileage, so replacing the Toyota Camry cabin filter should be carried out exactly at this frequency. Unlike most modern cars, where the To frequency is stretched to 15 thousand, the Camry cabin filter quietly withstands its service mileage, and more frequent replacement is required only in rare cases.
During summer operation in dusty regions, the filter resource may not be enough - at low fan speeds, the lack of performance may become noticeable even earlier. However, the ease of replacement does not make the replacement more difficult.
A similar problem arises in city traffic jams - although microscopic soot particles are invisible to the eye, they are immediately visible from the gray-black coating on the filter curtain. Moreover, they literally saturate the filter: the coating is also visible on the back side of the curtain, where ordinary dust does not penetrate.
The horizontal installation of the cabin filter in the compartment also made it sensitive to the ingress of organic matter (pollen, poplar fluff, leaves) - in combination with humidity, this quickly leads to the spread of rot; such a filter will have to be changed, even if it is still almost not clogged with dust.