Fuel system of the 1AZ-FE Toyota Rav4 gasoline engine since 2006 (part 1)

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Replacing the RAV4 fuel filter without removing the gas tank

The part to be replaced is located in a hard-to-reach place, which cannot be accessed without rough intervention in the body panel. If for some reason dismantling the fuel tank is impossible, you will have to resort to brute force. First you need to find the area under which the necessary nodes are hidden. To do this, you can contact the complete technical documentation or specialists at the service station. By the way, most often the components that need to be replaced in the 2014-2015 models. located under the left rear seat.

The most time-consuming process is gaining access to the top of the gas tank.

To do this, it is necessary to completely remove the rear seats, standard covering and sound insulation. After this, you should carefully mark the cutting locations by drilling several holes. Next is metal cutting, which can be done using a “Cricket” drill attachment or a special tool. After forming the hatch, you can begin manipulating the filter.

Once all parts have been replaced and starting the engine shows normal fuel line operation, the hole in the floor can be closed. It is not recommended to use welding to tightly close such a hatch, because after a certain mileage the filter will have to be replaced again. The optimal solution is sealants with anti-corrosion substances.

However, some car owners are luckier: replacing the fuel filter in Toyota RAV 4 2008 and subsequent ones (until 2013) is simplified due to the presence of a service hatch in the floor of the body. To access it you need to:

  • completely remove the rear row of seats;
  • remove part of the floor covering;
  • Carefully remove the hatch cover (it is held tightly by the sealant).

Further repair actions are no different from those discussed earlier. After completing the main work of replacing the fuel filter on a RAV 4 2007, it is recommended to get rid of the remnants of the old sealant around the hatch and on the cover, and also apply a new one.

After hardening, you can reinstall the floor covering and seats.

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Replacement procedure

Correct replacement of the 2014 Toyota RAV 4 fuel filter is carried out on a dismantled gas tank. Access to the work area from the cabin is present only in the second and third generations (including restyled versions of 2010). Before removing the necessary parts and changing the filtration system, it is necessary to carry out a minimum set of preparatory work. This includes fixing the machine on a lift or in an inspection hole, as well as disconnecting the battery.

It is necessary to resort to the following work:

  • Remove the rear part of the exhaust system, and in all-wheel drive versions, additionally unscrew the driveshaft.
  • Disconnect the fuel hoses and insulate them during work to protect them from dust.
  • Unscrew the bolts holding the gas tank and disconnect the fuel pump power terminals.
  • Completely dismantle the tank and then place it in a clean and convenient place for further work.
  • Remove the fuel pump plug, as well as the fasteners holding the unit in the gas tank body.
  • Remove the fine filter to be replaced and install a new one.
  • Reassemble all components and components in reverse order.

It is recommended to perform operations with a small amount of gasoline. It is possible to change the fuel filter on a 2007 Toyota RAV 4 and other representatives of the third generation without the difficult dismantling of attachments.

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Replacing the diesel fuel filter

Thanks to better placement of fuel line components, the work is greatly simplified. By the way, there is a fuel filter in the RAV 4 2001. release in the same place as modern diesel variations. To install a new part, do the following:

  1. Stop the engine and relieve fuel line pressure by turning off the fuel pump fuses. You can completely get rid of the pressure if you start the car several times in a row. As soon as it starts to stall, you can move on to the next steps.
  2. Dismantle the air filter and protective elements of the pump, and remove it. It is important not to damage the condensate level sensor.
  3. All hoses should be disconnected from the filter. This action should be performed carefully - some diesel fuel may remain in the housing.
  4. The new filter must be filled to the brim with diesel, the O-ring must be lubricated with fuel and everything must be placed in its proper place, connecting the hoses back.

Further work consists of reassembling the components in the reverse order, installing the fuel pump fuse and checking operation.

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When to change the fuel filter on RAV 4

The manufacturer recommends replacing the component after 80 thousand km. In practice, such repairs should be performed much more often. The reason is low-quality fuel at gas stations and the independent use by RAV4 owners of various additives added to the gas tank. In such conditions, it is optimal to carry out the manipulation after 40 thousand km.

It is possible to perform such work more often, however, two factors prevent this:

  • original spare parts are not cheap, and sometimes they have to be ordered from abroad;
  • Replacing a RAV 4 3rd generation fuel filter, as well as subsequent ones, is a difficult job that takes a lot of time.

At the same time, it is recommended to undergo scheduled technical inspections of the machine.

It is quite possible that the part will become unusable due to low-quality gasoline or diesel much earlier than the specified mark.

Problems when paying with bank cards

Sometimes difficulties may arise when paying with Visa/MasterCard bank cards. The most common of them:

  1. There is a restriction on the card for paying for online purchases
  2. A plastic card is not intended for making payments online.
  3. The plastic card is not activated for making payments online.
  4. There are not enough funds on the plastic card.

In order to solve these problems, you need to call or write to the technical support of the bank where you are served. Bank specialists will help you resolve them and make payments.

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Where is the fuel filter located?

The location of the protective element in the petrol and diesel versions of the crossover is slightly different. The easiest way to find the unit is for owners of the first generation Toyota RAV4 (SXA10), which was produced before 2000. The filter is located in the engine compartment and there are no problems with access to it. Starting from the second generation (CA20W, CA30W and XA40), the part moved to the fuel tank, which significantly complicated replacement work both in service centers and in garage conditions.

It’s easier to deal with diesel configurations - fuel filters in models of all generations are installed in the engine compartment. Another feature inherent in heavy fuel variants is the interchangeability of components. On a 2017 model car, you can install a unit released for the 2011 or 2012 version. This is possible due to the identical dimensions of the filter housings and connection connectors.

The procedure for replacing such a component depends on two factors - engine type and model generation.

It is recommended to use only original components made in Japan. Unlike analogues with minimal cost, assembled under Toyota license, factory versions are more durable.

Any version of RAV 4 is equipped with two types of filtration systems:

  • coarse cleaning - a mesh that prevents large debris from entering the fuel line;
  • fine cleaning - retains small particles, including dust and rust, as well as water and foreign impurities.

The first element is rarely replaced due to design features. To maintain operating condition, flushing is performed using pure gasoline or special chemicals. The component that provides fine cleaning receives serious loads throughout its entire service life, so it is customary to replace it completely. Otherwise, a significant reduction in engine power or complete failure of individual components is possible.

The selection of a 2008 RAV 4 gasoline fuel filter, as well as other variations belonging to the third generation, requires caution. It is recommended to pay attention to the articles:

  • 77024-42060 – for models up to 2006;
  • 77024-42061 – 2006-2008;
  • 77024-42080 – 2008-2012

To search for articles and prices, you should use the technical documentation supplied with the car or contact branded service stations. Suppliers also provide information about spare part numbers.

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