Fuses and relays Toyota RAV4 (XA40), 2012 - 2021

Toyota rav4 headlight washer not working

After changing the battery, the headlight washers on the car did not work. Has anyone encountered this issue? I tried to teach it by analogy with glass, but it didn’t work.

Annotation on the use of windshield wipers and washers for Toyota RAV4. The rear window wiper operates as long as the windshield washer is on. More information about Toyota Rav 4 as a new headlight washer. Note Do not turn on the headlight cleaner if the washer reservoir is empty.

washer . Controls → Toyota → Rav4 (Toyota Rav4). Left headlight cleaner motor Relay for sequential operation of the cleaner and washer.

Reason for appeal: Longest message length of signs. When you press the headlight washer you need to turn on the mileage from the beginning as. If the washer fluid is not removed in winter, it is the washer fluid that is to blame, it is frozen. Over 641 ads for used Toyota Rav 4 for sale like new with headlight washers. Management Knowledge base Car history Advertising on the website. Email Maximum length of email characters This is a required field Please fill in the correct form. Not the hood, but the magnet!

Headlight washers for Toyota RAV 4 Toyota RAV4

Hello, guest Login Registration. Found exclusively in this forum? Newbie Insert nickname Quote. How to turn on the headlight washers. — Toyota rav4 logbook. Congratulations to all workers! If there are any on this forum Later, the washer did not work - when you press the washer button, there is no reaction from the washer. What ideas does anyone have regarding the malfunction: My washer works when the high beam headlights are on. Check for voltage at the washer motor connector? I followed the advice of smart people who discussed the topic I raised.

How to turn on the mirror washer?

I'm advertising for a friend. I installed xenon, but without it.

I turned on the high beams, pressed the button, and lo and behold! Later I turned on the low beam, pressed the button, the washer works. Toyota rav4 umka › logbook › how to turn on the washer headlight washer nozzles can. Active user Insert nickname Quote. Go to the user's albums. Old-timer Insert nickname Quote. You still won’t see it yourself, ask someone to press the button, then you can stand at the bumper with a camera! When pressed, the washers should move out, release a portion of water under pressure and hide back, but it does not affect how long you hold the button, a certain amount of washer is dispensed, so as not to pour out the entire tank, the consumption is very high.

The rhinoceros has very poor eyesight, but due to its size and mass this is no longer a problem! The washer turns back under the influence of a spring that is located in the washer body, apparently there is something wrong with the springs.

For starters, you can try using WD, one of my quarters wasn’t hidden, but that was in the winter. And if it doesn’t help, then Velcom that service! I just bought raf4 g. I couldn’t figure it out myself, tell me how? On the dashboard, to the left of the steering wheel, there is a headlight washer button; you can’t confuse it with anything else. With the ignition on and the headlights on low beam, you press this button and you will be happy - the nozzles will rise and spew a strong stream of water onto the headlights.

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We are more ordinary, we are from the grove: Now the question is how to drain the washer fluid from the washer reservoir. Club Toyota Rav 4 and the headlight washer works, my problem is not how to turn it on, but how. Main page Search Help Technical Section. If you turn on the washer several times, the headlight washers stop working as it goes back. Headlight washer does not work, How to turn on the headlight washer. Dunce View profile ipsmenu. Newbie Insert nickname Quote Group: MrDims View profile ipsmenu . RAV4 3 left hand drive Gender: Male Helped the forum financially. Graf 54 View profile ipsmenu. RAV4 1 left hand drive Thanks to: Active user Insert nickname Quote Group: Doc View profile Go to user albums ipsmenu.

Old-timer Insert nickname Quote Group: Anatolich66 View profile ipsmenu . Video instructions on how to change the oil in a Toyota RAV 4 engine with your own hands. Do-it-yourself oil change in a Toyota RAV 4 video. Mkhalych View profile ipsmenu.

Discussion of the features of operation and maintenance of the Toyota RAV4 (2013-2015), description of common faults and methods for solving them (troubleshooting / repair).

Toyota Rav 4 is produced in Japan and imported through Sweden. from 2016 it will be produced in Russia like the Camry! I have owned Rav 4 for a month after purchase. No matter how anyone here criticizes or praises it, I can say one thing: there are pros and cons in every car. Therefore, I think when someone is going to buy a car, they compare several classmates at once and choose the most suitable option for them. I compared (Honda Srv; Mazda CX5; Mitsubishi Outlander; and Rav 4) and considered all cars only with a 2.0 liter engine. I don’t want to describe the pros and cons of each car individually - it will take a long time. Having weighed all the positive and negative aspects of the cars and the price range, I chose the Rav 4. I didn’t consider the Koreans in principle. So you need to compare cars from the same line, and not with higher ones. And when they write that Rav is a bad car, then let them write which specific car from its line is better and in what way. I can say for sure and with confidence that from my line, the Rav 4 is the most attractive and reliable car. If you compare his classmates, they are even worse. But it is a fact that the Japanese make better quality cars for their domestic market than for Europe. They have 3 lines at their factories (1st domestic market) (2nd America) (3rd Europe). And what they write, that the poorest quality cars are made in Russia, is not true, they all go to Europe from one assembly line, but those that are already assembled in Russia are of terrible quality. I can only agree with one thing - for that kind of money they could have done better. This applies to all cars in this line.

Hello, Ravchanians! Please tell me, maybe someone ordered chrome inserts, covers for Rav 4 on websites from China... I need a site that is clear and without scams.

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Mileage 20,000, an unpleasant creaking appeared in the roof (especially on bumps it gets worse). I don’t know what it’s connected with, I don’t know, with shaking, or maybe with operation in the cold? Has anyone encountered this? Otherwise there are no problems with the car.

I have a Toyota RAV4 2013 2 liter mechanical equipment comfort mileage 17,000 km. And while I have him, and not he me))) Answer regarding the headlight washer, from the very beginning I also couldn’t understand why the headlight washer constantly turns on, when in principle I don’t need it! The Japanese, in my opinion, also made a mistake and could have made a separate button for the headlights; according to the instructions, the headlight washer is turned on every 5th time the washer is used, that is, you do not need to pull the washer lever towards yourself often, but do this once and for a long time. It only works when with the low and high beams on, and in the so-called daytime running mode, it doesn’t touch the headlights))) Overall, I’m happy with the car! Starting in cold weather is excellent, heats up quickly, the knocking noise in the trunk has been cured (the jack placed foam rubber on the right side), nothing else rattles, the suspension is a bit stiff, it doesn’t consume oil, gasoline mixed cycle is 10 liters, compare the car with the previous 25 cars since 1997 that I didn't own them, they are all good and bad in their own way! Good luck to everyone on the roads!

Just don’t take diesel, it eats oil.

I can’t decide whether to get a manual or a CVT, maybe someone can tell me how the CVT behaves.

Irina. Who is closer? Personally, I had a RAV4 with an automatic, and now a CVT. I like it: quiet, smooth, you can’t even hear the gear change. So it's up to you.

Irina, take the variator, the thing is, the test drive took place on an automatic transmission, you can hear how it switches, the variator is generally smooth, and works very well when picking up speed.

Has anyone had a problem with oil consumption on a diesel engine? I started to eat away after TO-10000. At 13,500 I added a liter, then at 16,500 another liter. At TO-20000, the stupid officials threw up their hands - the engine is new, not yet studied. Then at 24,000 another liter, now 28,400, the signal has not come on yet. I encountered another problem - when the automatic transmission is put in position P, the engine speed rises sharply by 300-500 rpm. When you shift to D and press the brake pedal, the speed returns to normal. Has anyone had it and what do the robber dealers say to this?

Irina (her review of Toyota Raf 4 2013), the mechanics behave very well, they don’t misbehave. The six-mortar is great, all gears are engaged with one finger clearly and correctly, this applies to reverse and sixth gear, for me there is no discomfort. The reliability of the mechanics will actually be higher than the Varik, and then the question is where you live, in a metropolis or not. I am a supporter of mechanics, I drive everywhere but without fanaticism and I live in a village with 200 thousand people. It’s just more fun for me to drive through the forest and fishing spots with a manual. The sixth one on a cruise is cool, and everyone has their own overtaking: time, distance, day and night, trucks, tractors, and everything else that rides and moves along the roads and along and across them. Good luck with your choice, happy shopping! Brace yourself, farmers, summer is coming.

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AutoNews / Reviews / Tests

How to turn on the headlight washer on Rav 4

Toyota rav4 2006 headlight washer replacement

4 shops. Selection by characteristics. Delivery from stores in Russia and other regions.

To favorites. Front bumper Toyota RAV4 III, model year Right headlight washer nozzle Toyota RAV 4 from 13g. 5 rub.

Toyota Rav 4 III Right headlight washer nozzle (1. Front bumper Toyota RAV 4 4 rub. Alpha Parts. body parts and optics.

It turned out that there was no spray on the right headlight. Male contributed substantially to the forum. Operation and maintenance summary. Purchase the full version of the book www.

Rav 4 Headlight Washer How to Enable


Toyota rav4 headlight washer does not work

After replacing the battery, the headlight washers did not work properly. Has anyone come up with this question? By analogy with glasses, I tried to study rather than work.

Annotation on the use of Toyota RAV4 wiper blades and washers. The rear window wiper operates when the washer is washed. More than 638 reported selling an implanted Toyota Rav 4 for a new headlight washer. Note Do not turn on the headlight washer when the washer reservoir is empty.

washer . Control → Toyota → Rav4 (Toyota Rav4). Left window wiper motor relay for sequential wiper and washer operation.

Reason for appeal Longest duration of message. When you press the headlight washer, you must first run the mileage. If the washer fluid is not removed in winter, the washer fluid becomes hard and hard. Over 641 Toyota for sale listings matched with 4 new headlight washers. The history of creating a knowledge base for managing advertising sites. E-mail Longest e-mail character length. This is an indispensable field. Please fill out the correct form. Not a hood, but a magnet!

READ How Much Oil Should There Be On The Engine Dipstick

Headlight washer for Toyota RAV 4 Toyota RAV4

Hello Guest Login Login. Find it exclusively on this forum? Quote from the nickname Newbie Stick. How to turn on the headlight washers. Toyota Rav4 magazine. Congratulations to all employees! If this forum exists, the puck didn't work later. When you press the washer there is no reaction from the washer. What does anyone have an idea about the malfunction: my washer works when burning far away. Check the voltage at the washer motor connector? Following the advice of smart people when discussing the topic I raised.

The headlight washer, it turns out, only works with low beam

Laguna 3.

How to turn on the washing machine?

I'm promoting a friend I installed xenon, but it's okay without it.

He turned on the high beams, pressed the button and, oh, magic! Later he turned on the low beam, pressed the button, the washer worked. Toyota rav4 umka ›logbook› how to turn on the headlight washer nozzle. Active user Follow nickname Quotes Go to User Albums. Old Man Follow Nick's quote. You still don't see it, ask someone to press the button, then you can stand on the bumper with the camera! When you press the washer they should come out, squeeze out a portion of water under pressure and hide back, but this does not affect how long you hold the button, a certain amount of washer is dispensed so as not to fill the entire tank, the flow rate is very high

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The rhinoceros has very poor eyesight, but due to its size and weight, it is no longer an obstacle! The washer turns back under the influence of a spring, which is located in the washer body, apparently something with the springs.

You can try using WD to start with, I didn't hide the quarter but it was winter. And if that doesn't help, Wellcome. this is a service! Now I bought raf4. I can't figure it out, tell me how? The headlight washer button is located on the dashboard to the left of the steering wheel and is not confused with anything. When the ignition is on and the high beams are on, you'll press that button and be glad. the nozzles rise and absorb the powerful flow of water at the headlights.

We are more ordinary, we are from the grove: now the question is how to drain the liquid from the washing tank. Toyota Club 4 and my headlight washers work. The problem is not how to enable it, but how. Home Search Help Technical section. If you run the washer several times, the headlight washer will stop working as well as before. The headlight washer does not work so well. Turn on the headlight washer. dance View profile ipsmenu. Newbie Stick Nick Nick Quote: MrDims View profile ipsmenu . RAV4 3 left hand drive Gender: The man helped financially with the forum. Chart 54 View profile ipsmenu. RAV4 1 left wheel Thanks: Active user Paste a alias Quote Group: Doc View profile Go to albums ipsmenu.

READ Replacement of silent blocks of front arms Honda CR-V 3

Old man Insert Nick Quote Group: Anatolich66 View profile ipsmenu . Video instructions on how to change Toyota rav 4 engine oil with your own hands. Auto Oil Change for Toyota equals 4 videos. Mhalic View profile ipsmenu.


How to turn on headlight washers on Prius 30

Turn on the headlight washers

for a Prius 30.

Club car service for Toyota RAV4. link Low cost of work, free diagnostics, spare parts and consumables in the assortment We now have 7! RAV 4 3 In the fall the washers still worked, after the winter they didn’t, tell me what you like the reason for - it seems to our client that it feels normal to the touch, you can’t get under there.

Front and back work. If the frontal watering means the pump is in order. Remove the bumper, disconnect the hose from the washer nozzle and turn it on - if water starts flowing, then the problem needs to be found in the nozzle itself, if not, then you need to look at the tubes from the reservoir to the nozzles. If my memory serves me correctly, the washer only works when the headlights are on. So most likely the pump died. Because two injectors could not fail at once.

Colleagues, good day. I have a problem. The headlight washers have stopped working. After which they are removed very slowly. The motor hums, the antifreeze was the usual LiquiMoly and HighGear.

The car sat in a warm garage for 4.5 weeks. According to the masters. the check valve in the injectors is closed, alas, would it be both at once? Maybe there is something similar in this question? Again, the technicians say that the check valve in the injector should only be replaced.

Please tell me what is this and is it possible? What do you like about the washer spring? The nozzle is pulled out by hand and goes in normally. Main page Search Help Technical In this section. Headlight washer does not work, How to turn on
washer .
Kanai Atsuda View Profile ipsmenu

Old-timer Insert nickname Quote Group: Ganduras on Oka Car: RAV4 3 left hand drive Gender: BONYA View profile ipsmenu. Newbie Insert nickname Quote Group: Triovalo View profile
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My town is not on the list Auto: MrDims View profile ipsmenu . Male contributed substantially to the forum. Tzemisce View profile ipsmenu. ALEX3 View profile ipsmenu

Fuses and relays Toyota RAV4 (XA40), 2012 - 2021

Most power supply circuits for vehicle electrical equipment are protected by fuses. Powerful current consumers are connected via relays. Fuses and relays are installed in mounting blocks, which are located in the vehicle interior and in the engine compartment.

The information is suitable for Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 4th generation models 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021 model years.

In the engine compartment

Component location: 1 . Fuse box ; 2. Engine control unit; 3. Glow plug control unit; 4. Generator control unit; 5. From October 2015: Fan control unit; 6. Headlight cleaner relay; 7. Gearbox control unit; 8. Relay block; 9. Injector control unit; 10. Controller for stepless valve lift; 11. Brake actuator; 12. Glow plug relay; 13. From October 2015: Fuel heating relay

The main unit is located near the battery.

Interpretation of fuses in the main block of the engine compartment (Type 1)

Photo is an example.


DescriptionCurrent, A
12AR-FE: Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system, fuses: "EFI NO.1", "EFI NO.2"20
3ZR-FE, 3ZR-FAE: Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system, fuses: “EFI NO.1”, “EFI NO.2”25
Diesel: Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system, transmission control unit, fuse: "EFI NO.3"30
2Trailer connector30
3Steering wheel lock10
4Air conditioning, instrument cluster, smart entry and start system, overhead module10
5Instrument cluster10
  • 2AR-FE: Air flow sensor, fuel pump, rear oxygen sensor
  • Diesel: fuses: "EFI NO.1", "EFI NO.2"
3ZR-FE, 3ZR-FAE: Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system15
From October 2015: 2WW: Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system7,5
7Before October 2015: Starting system20
From October 2015: Tailgate, instrument cluster, dual locking, smart entry and start system, fog light, wiper and washer, headlights, immobilizer, interior lighting, power windows, rear fog light, seat belt indicator, airbags, starting system, locking steering wheel, anti-theft system, tire pressure monitoring system, wireless control system30
8Starting system30
9Audio system30
10Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system10
From October 2015:2WW: fuel pump30
11Before October 2015: Anti-theft system10
From October 2015 (without telematics system): Start-stop system30
From October 2015 : Telematics system7,5
12Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system, fuses: "METER", "IGN", "A/B"15
13Starting system, fuse: "IG2"7,5
14Current sensor, generator7,5
15Sound signal10
16Diesel: Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system25
From October 2015: 3ZR-FAE: Starting system20
From October 2015: Anti-theft system10
17Fuses: "DOME", "ECU-B NO.1", "RADIO"30
18Wiper Switch, Current Sensor, Multiport Fuel Injection System/Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection System5
  • 3ZR-FE: Air Flow Sensor, VSV, ACIS VSV, Rear Oxygen Sensor, Multiport Fuel Injection System/Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection System
  • 3ZR-FAE: Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system
  • 2AR-FE: Air Flow Sensor, VSV, ACIS VSV1AD-FTV: Air Flow Sensor, Oil Valve, EDU, ADD FUEL VLV, EGR, Start-Stop System, Glow Plugs
  • 2AD-FTV, 2AD-FHV: EDU, ADD FUEL VLV, EGR, air flow sensor, VNT E-VRV
From October 2015:2WW: Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system7,5
  • 3ZR-FAE: Air flow sensor, VSV, ACIS VSV, rear oxygen sensor, start-stop system
  • 2AR-FE: Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system
  • 3ZR-FE, 2AD-FTV, 2AD-FHV: Air flow sensor
From October 2015:2WW: Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system15
21High left beam, high beam indicator10
22Far right light10
23Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system, transmission control unit7,5
From October 2015:2WW: Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system20
26Audio system20
27Body electrical control unit, wireless control system, steering position sensor, central locking, clock, power tailgate, tire pressure monitoring system10
28Interior lighting, trunk lighting, personal lighting10
  • Before October 2015: Halogen lamps: Low left beam, headlight range control
  • From October 2015: Low left beam, headlight range control
Before October 2015:HID: Low left beam, headlight range control15
30Before October 2015: Halogen lamps: Low right beam From October 2015: Low right beam10
Before October 2015:HID: Low right beam15
35From October 2015:2WW: Fuel heating50
36Start-stop system40
37VALVEMATIC system30
From October 2015: 2WW: ABS, cruise control, hill descent control, hill start control, start-stop system, panoramic view system, dynamic radar cruise control, TRC, VSC50
38VSC, ABS30
40Fuses: “H-LP RH-LO”, “H-LP LH-LO”, “H-LP RH-HI”, “H-LP LH-HI”50
41Glow plugs80
42Electric power steering80
43Until October 2015: Gasoline: “STOP”, “S/ROOF”, “AM1”, “OBD”, “D/L NO.2”, “FOG RR”, “D/L BACK”, “P/OUTLET NO .1", "DOOR D", "DOOR R/R", "DOOR R/L", "WIP RR", "WSH", "GAUGE", "WIP FR", "SFT LOCK-ACC", "P /OUTLET NO.2", "ACC", "PANEL", "TAIL", "D/L NO.2", "EPS-IG", "ECU-IG NO.1", "ECU-IG NO.2 ", "HTR-IG", "S-HTR LH", "S-HTR RH", "IGN", "A/B", "METER", "ECU-IG NO.3"120
  • Until October 2015: Diesel, (3ZR-FAE from April 2015): ↓
  • From October 2015: Except 2WW: Fuses: “ABS NO.1”, “ABS NO.2”, “RDI FAN”, “FAN NO.1”, “S/HTR R/L”, “DEICER”, “FOG” FR", "S/HTR R/R", "CDS FAN", "FAN NO.2", "HTR", "STV HTR", "TOWING-ALT", "HWD NO.1", "HWD NO. 2", "H-LP CLN", "DRL", "PTC HTR NO.1", "PTC HTR NO.2", "PTC HTR NO.3", "DEF", "NOISE FILTER", "STOP" , “S/ROOF”, “AM1”, “OBD”, “D/L NO.2”, “FOG RR”, “D/L BACK”, “P/OUTLET NO.1”, “DOOR D”, "DOOR R/R", "DOOR R/L", "WIP RR", "WSH", "GAUGE", "WIP FR", "SFT LOCK-ACC", "P/OUTLET NO.2", "ACC" "", "PANEL", "TAIL", "D/L NO.2", "EPS-IG", "ECU-IG NO.1", "ECU-IG NO.2", "HTR-IG", " S-HTR LH", "S-HTR RH", "IGN", "A/B", "METER", "ECU-IG NO.3"
R1Engine control unit (EFI-MAIN NO.2)
R2Ignition (IG2)
  • Diesel: Engine control unit (EDU)
  • Gasoline: Fuel pump (C/OPN)
  • 2WW: Fuel pump (FUEL PMP)
  • Before October 2015: Headlights (H-LP)
  • From October 2015: Dimmer
R5The engine control unit
  • Until October 2015: Dimmer
  • From October 2015: Except 2AR-FE: Headlights (H-LP)
  • 2AR-FE: Headlights/daytime running lights (H-LP/DRL)
Engine compartment fuse diagram (Type 2)

Protected circuitCurrent, A
1Audio system20
2Body electrical control unit, wireless control system, steering position sensor, clock, power tailgate, tire pressure monitoring system, driver position memory10
3Interior lighting, personal lighting, luggage compartment lighting, individual mirror lighting10
5Heating the resting area of ​​the brushes20
7Fog light, fog light indicator7,5
8Audio system30
9Starting system30
10Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system, fuses: "EFI NO.1", "EFI NO.2"20
12Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system, fuses: "METER", "IGN", "A/B"15
13Instrument cluster10
14Starting system, fuse: "IG2"7,5
15Air conditioning, instrument cluster, front passenger classification system, intelligent entry and start system10
16Steering wheel lock10
17Fuses: "DOME", "ECU-B NO.1", "RADIO"30
18Sound signal10
19Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system10
20Air flow sensor, fuel pump, rear oxygen sensor20
21Current sensor7,5
22Heated mirrors, multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system10
23Air flow sensor, VSV, ACIS VSV10
24Multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system10
25High left beam, high beam indicator10
26Far right light10
28Low left light10
29Low right light10
30Cooling fan30
31Air conditioner50
32Daytime running lights, fuses: “H-LP RH-LO”, “H-LP LH-LO”, “H-LP RH-HI”, “H-LP LH-HI”50
33Auxiliary heater30
34Auxiliary heater30
35Heated rear window, fuse: “MIR HTR”30
37Cooling fan30
39Electric power steering80
40Fuses: "ABS NO.1", "ABS NO.2", "PTC HTR NO.1", "PTC HTR NO.2", "DEICER", "HTR", "RDI FAN", "CDS FAN", "FOG FR", "DEF"120
41Wiper switch, rain sensor5
42Spare fuse10
R1Engine control unit (EFI-MAIN NO.2)
R2Ignition (IG2)
R3Fuel pump (C/OPN)
R5Headlights (H-LP)
R6Engine control unit (EFI-MAIN NO.1)
R7Heated rear window (DEF)
M1Daytime running light module

The additional unit is located on the left side of the engine compartment, near the washer fluid reservoir. It also has several design options.

Relay block (Option 1)

R1Front fog light (FOG FR)
R2A/C compressor clutch(MG/CLT)
R3Auxiliary heater (PTC HTR NO.2)
R5Sound signal
R6Cooling fan (FAN NO.2)
R7Auxiliary heater (PTC HTR NO.1)
R8Cooling fan (FAN NO.3)
R9Starter (ST)
R10Cooling fan (FAN NO.1)
Relay block (Option 2)

DescriptionCurrent, A
1Daytime Running Lights5
2Trailer connector30
3Fog light, fog light indicator7,5
4Noise filter10
5Auxiliary heater25
6From October 2015: Heated rear seat10
7Heating the resting area of ​​the brushes20
From October 2015: Heated rear seat10
8From October 2015: Diesel: Cooling fan
10From October 2015: Diesel: Cooling fan5
13Heated mirrors, multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system10
17600W, 840W: Auxiliary heater50
330W: Auxiliary heater30
18840W: Auxiliary heater50
330W: Auxiliary heater30
1940W: Auxiliary heater50
330W: Auxiliary heater30
20Cooling fan30
From October 2015: 2WW: Cooling fan40
From October 2015: Trailer + Diesel: Cooling fan50
21Cooling fan30
From October 2015: 2WW: Cooling fan40
From October 2015: Trailer + Diesel: Cooling fan50
22Air conditioner50
23Heated rear window, fuse: “MIR HTR”30
24Heated windshield50
25Headlight cleaners30
26Heated windshield50
R1Cooling fan
R2Front fog light
R3Sound signal
R5Daytime Running Lights
R6Cooling fan
R7Cooling fan
R8Heated rear window
R9Auxiliary heater
R10Auxiliary heater
Heated windshield
R11Auxiliary heater
Heated windshield
R12Brake light bulbs
R14Heating the resting area of ​​the brushes
Heated steering wheel
Heated brush rest area / heated steering wheel (DEICER/STRG HTR)
R15From October 2015: Trailer + Diesel: Cooling fan (FAN NO.1), Heated rear seat (S/HTR R/L)
R16From October 2015: Heated rear seat
R17From October 2015: Trailer + Diesel: Cooling fan (FAN NO.2), Heated windshield washer nozzles (WSH NZL HTR)
R19330W: Auxiliary heater
600W: Auxiliary heater
R20Auxiliary heater

In the cabin

Component location: 1. Left hand drive: Interior lighting relay (DOME CUT); 2. Headlight range control unit; 3 . Fuse Box/Body Electrical Control Unit; 4. Steering lock actuator; 5. Power steering control unit; 6. Relay block; 7. Navigation control unit; 8. All-wheel drive control unit; 9. Parktronic control unit (Clearance Warning); 10. Driver assistance systems control unit; 11. Network gateway block; 12. Windshield wiper relay; 13. Start-stop system control unit; 14. Gearbox selector control unit; 15. Airbag control unit; 16. Distribution connector; 17. Air conditioning amplifier; 18. Distribution connector; 19. Right hand drive: Double door lock relay

Description of the Rav4 cabin unit (No. 3 in the picture)

Photo is an example.


DecodingCurrent, A
2Brake light bulbs7.5
4Fuses: "IG1 NO.1", "IG1 NO.2", "IG1 NO.3", "ACC"5
5Diagnostic connector7.5
6Before October 2015: Central locking, body electrical control unit20
7Rear fog light7.5
8Central locking (tailgate)10
9Socket (cigarette lighter fuse Rav 4)15
10Driver's side window regulator20
11Rear right window regulator20
12Rear left window regulator20
13Rear wiper15
14Front window washer, rear window washer15
15Reversing lamps, auto-dimming interior mirror, Blind Spot Monitor7.5
17Gearbox selector lock5
19Sockets, audio system, power mirrors, body electrical control unit, clock, current sensor7.5
20VSC OFF switch, instrument cluster, BSM switch, four-wheel drive switch, brush rest heat switch, multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system, park assist systems, heated seat switches, power outlets, tailgate switch, air conditioning control unit , rear window heating switch, audio system, steering wheel buttons, cup holder lights7.5
21Side light, license plate light, fog light10
22From October 2015: Central locking, body electrical control unit20
23Power steering5
24All-wheel drive (Dynamic Torque Control), steering wheel position sensor, instrument cluster, gear selector10
25Body Electrical Control Module, Wireless Control System, Shift Lock, Intelligent Entry and Start System, Sunroof, Audio System, Power Liftgate, Tire Pressure Monitoring System, Blind Spot Monitor, Lane Keeping Assist ( LDA)5
26Air conditioning, heated rear window7.5
27Before October 2015: Heated left seat10
From October 2015: Heated left seat10
28Before October 2015: Heated right seat10
From October 2015: Heated right seat10
29Fuel pump, multiport fuel injection system/sequential multiport fuel injection system, brake lamps, steering lock7.5
30Airbags, front passenger classification system7.5
31Instrument cluster5
32Generator, ABS/VSC, brush rest area heating, brake lamps, fuses: “FAN NO.1”, “FAN NO.2”, “FAN NO.3”, “HTR”, “PTC”, “DEF” , "DEICER"7.5

1Electric left seat30
2Electric tailgate30
3Electric right seat30
4Front power windows, power window control unit30
Relay block in the cabin (No. 6 in the picture)
  • Left-hand drive: Anti-theft system
  • Right hand drive: Interior lighting
R2Rear fog light


Component location: 1. Sunroof control unit; 2. Central locking receiver and tire pressure monitoring system; 3. Tire pressure monitoring system control unit; 4. Central locking receiver; 5. Phone transceiver; 6. Parking assistance system control unit; 7. Right blind spot monitoring sensor; 8. Door control unit; 9. Left blind spot monitoring sensor; 10. Fuel pump control unit; 11. Distribution connector; 12. Audio amplifier

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